Brooke's Message

Tuesday 18th October

Dear Parents/Carers


I hope this finds you all safe and well given the recent weather event, the news footage has been quite confronting.  I realise that our school community covers a large area and many suburbs have been affected. Please know that if the school is able to support you in anyway we are here to help.


However, despite the weather, it has been a wonderful start to Term 4.  A term which offers an opportunity to reflect on the hard work of our school community over the year.  Our team have been working hard to book in some exciting excursions and incursions which will, I hope, not only educate and spark conversation but will create some smiles, laughter and memories.


This term we will celebrate the graduation of our Year 6 and 12 students, in particular, the Year 12 graduation brings mixed emotions, I am always happy to farewell our senior year and watch them embark on a new adventure, but it is always sad to say goodbye. 

Planning for 2023

This term we are compiling staffing and class groups. Staff will be indicating what has been successful and challenging in the combinations of students and we will be asking students for their feedback also. 


The final Curriculum Day this term will be an SSG meeting where you will be able to meet the new staff for classes next year. 


Please save the date!

16 December 2023


After an extended holiday, Bunji returned this week.

Just chillin' with my pals
Well you did say "sit"
Great walking!
Just chillin' with my pals
Well you did say "sit"
Great walking!

New Build

Due to the inclement weather we have experienced recently and the state-wide shortage of staff, our completion date has moved to 11 January 2023. 


However, the build is really beginning to take shape.

Sun Smart

Assuming that the weather will improve we are now in term 4 and we would like to remind everyone to bring a hat to school.  If a student does not have a hat or refuses to wear a hat they will be asked to attend an inside club for lunchtime play. 


We will have spare hats for the days when students just forget!!

National Carers Week

Sunday 16 to Saturday 22 October 2022


National Carers Week is an opportunity to recognise, celebrate, and raise awareness among all Australians about the diversity of Australia's 2.65 million carers and their caring roles. National Carers Week runs from Sunday 16 to Saturday 22 October 2022.

Carers are people who provide unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have a disability, mental health condition, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue or who are frail aged.


If you are one of Australia’s 2.65 million carers and would like to know what supports are available to you or you simply would like to connect with others who are in a similar situation, please reach out on:


Call Carers Australia on(02) 6122 9900

Emotional, practical and financial support for carers, call 1800 422 737.


Notices to Parents

Calling the Office 


If you have missed a call from the school, please can you check if you have been left a voicemail before contacting us. This helps to save time when our office staff try to connect you with the person who called. 


Signing Students In and Out

Compass kiosk
Select Parent Drop-Off or Parent Sign-Out
Enter the name of the student
Compass kiosk
Select Parent Drop-Off or Parent Sign-Out
Enter the name of the student

Now that COVID restrictions have finally been lifted, we are encouraging all families and carers to sign in their young people when arriving late. The Compass kiosk is located in the "air lock" which is the entrance to the office. 


If you have trouble or need assistance using it, please use the intercom to notify office staff. 


This applies to any drop offs that occur after 9:30am. Failing to sign your young person in after this time may result in them being marked as absent. 


If you utilise the driveway drop off between 9:00-9:30am you do not need to sign your student in. They will be marked on their class roll when their teachers take attendance. 


This will be the same procedure for early student collection. Any students collected before 2:30pm must be signed out. 


Please rememeber to notify the office in advance if your young person is being collected by someone that doesn't usually collect them.


Spare Uniform


Our spare uniform stocks have run low on pants between the sizes of 8-12. If your young person has outgrown these sizes and you have navy pants still in good condition, please consider donating them to us. 


RAT Tests


Please be aware that the school is no longer distributing RAT tests for students. If you require a box of tests, there are some available upon request.