Art Mural

Marni Trevena, Student Wellbeing Leader/Stage 1 Research Practices Teacher

Over the past four weeks, some of our senior girls in year 10 and 11 have been working with social artist, Charndra Pile of Painting Around is Fun, to create a striking mural on the concrete wall under the Senior Floor. The mural has been designed to inspire and encourage creativity, confidence, self-efficacy, and expressions of individuality.  It’s been built by hundreds of circles in warming tones and we welcome students, families, and visitors to spend a few minutes searching the mural for many hidden pictures. 


The three-stage project began with “Messy Play”, primer and visual texture, before “Exploration”, circle painting and pattern layering, and finishing with “Bling!”, patterns with paint pens and glitter.  At each stage Charndra encouraged students and staff wandering past, to let go of their perceived artistic skills and ‘just paint a shape, then do it three more times!’  She brought huge banners of Pretty Patterns with her, inspired by nature to help break our creativity dam. However once in the ‘flow’, the girls found they were teaching Charndra as well!  Students expressed pleasure in and calm from, engaging in mindful painting, and were proud to point out their contributions to friends during break time.


Aberfoyle Park High School would like to thank Charndra for sharing her passion with the school and helping us unleash our artistic abilities to produce a stunning day-round sunset for all to enjoy!  Be sure to visit her Instagram account @paintingaround.