2022 Sports Day 

Anita Sharrad, Health & Physical Education Leader

This year’s Sports Day was postponed from term 1 until week 10 in term 3 due to Covid related issues. It was looking dubious as to whether the weather would hold out for us approaching the end of term 3. However we were lucky to have a sunny day on 30 September to hold the event.  


This year saw the start of our new House structure and names. This was a process that we went through with staff and students over the year. New House names were voted upon using Kaurna Language. The vote was to use names for the elements which emulates what we are surrounded by and what we value and respect Aberfoyle Park High School. 

  • Karla (Red) which means Fire
  • Tinrtu (Yellow) which means Sun
  • Yarta (Green) which means Earth
  • Yarlu (Blue) which means Sea 

The day started off in a positive way with our School Captains doing an acknowledgement of country and introducing our Sports Captains for each of the new Houses. There was much excitement around the sprints and relays which always draws the crowds. Students got into the day wearing their House colours and there was lots of involvement across all events. 


The scores were relatively even throughout the day, however Karla took out the win with 981 points. 


Scores were:

  • Karla 981
  • Yarta 828
  • Tirntu 789
  • Yarlu 697

Thank you to all staff and students involved in the in lead up and on day. A special thank you to the Happy Valley Football Club for the use of their oval and clubrooms.