Secondary News

Year 9 Science
On the last day of the term year 9 science students made eatable models of brains using an orange, sultanas and lollies. Thank-you to Mrs. Jude and Mrs. Mulraney for sourcing the banana lollies. There were none in town. Luckily Mrs. Mulraney just happen to have a packet in the cupboard at home. The banana were to represent the brains medulla. The medulla controls breathing heartbeat and breathing. The students constructed and photographed them.
Here is Buzz and Hunter’s creation.
Miss Craig
Gnurad Gundidj School for Student Leadership
All the best to Hunter, Mattea and Buzz who will spend the next nine weeks at the Gnurad Gundidj School for Student Leadership at Glenormiston.
VCAL Project
The Edenhope beanies have arrived and they look fantastic. Will Hosie organised this new part of the school uniform as part of his VCAL studies. They are available to purchase for $20 at the Office.
Sport & Recreation Elective
Earlier this week the Sport & Recreation students instructed the F/1 students to play bucket cricket. The F/1 class enjoyed working with the older students.