General School News

Wonder in Aliceland
Production rehearsals are going well in readiness for our school production. Tickets are now available at the office.
Gnurad Gundidj School for Student Leadership
All the best to Hunter, Mattea and Buzz who will spend the next nine weeks at the Gnurad Gundidj School for Student Leadership at Glenormiston.
Classes will be encouraged to participate in a Talk-And-Walk-A-Thon between 24th-28th October as a closing activity during Mental Health Month.
It's important that our children feel safe, connected and supported at school and within the wider community. The Talk-And-Walk-A-Thon has been designed to strengthen feelings of connection and sense of belonging, allowing students to get to know other students at school
Students will be invited to stretch their legs and talk about topics, from how they spend their weekends to how they want to change the world. These topics will encourage peer engagement, help strengthen bonds and allow students to feel connected with people they see every day but may not necessarily know.
The Talk-And-Walk-A-Thon is an initiative by Peer Support Australia, a not-for-profit that has been helping Australian schools build student wellbeing for 50 years. Find out more at
Mrs Eastwood
Winners are Grinners
Congratulations to all the winners of the colouring competition connected with the Kaniva Wellbeing Carnival and RUOK Day. Well done!! Students were invited to participate in a colouring competition organised by the Edenhope Health & Wellbeing Hub and the winners were presented with their prizes - congratulations to Harry, William & Roy!
2022 Yearbook
Order forms for the 2022 year book have been sent home with students. If you would like a Year Book please return by Friday 11th November.
Please note the College's bank details have changed and we now have EFTPOS machine at the front office. If you didn't receive an envelope they are available at the Office.