
Principal Report 

Welcome back to Term 4. With isolation rules being relaxed it looks like Term 4 will bring us almost to the return of what we considered “normal” pre-pandemic. It really sets us up to put a full-stop on COVID disruptions.


This Term we are trialing interim reporting (progress reports) for Primary students and students from Year’s 9 & 10. An interim report is a short report indicating how your child is progressing in their learning (achievement), their behaviour, their work habits (effort) and their attendance based on our school values.

Interim reports are a good way to monitor how your child is going at school, to avoid any surprises and to improve communication between Edenhope College and families. As they are a new to our learning community we are hoping to gather feedback from the sample group to ensure that are reflective of what parents and carers are wanting to see and know about their child’s progress.


Whilst the timing of the trial may seem slightly off, given we have just had parent teacher interviews, the aim is to make them reflective of what parents want before embedding them into practice. Moving into 2023 we will aim to have interim reports available at the midpoint of each term, leading into Parent/Student/Teacher interviews and the written reports. The Interim Reports will enable you to work with your child’s teachers to provide any necessary support.


Letters will be sent home to parents explaining how to interpret the reports.


Just a reminder regarding mobile phone use at school. In Term 1 of 2020, the Victorian Government announced a mobile phone ban in all Victorian Schools. This ban has had a significant impact on and for Victorian students of all ages. Pleasingly, this has led to a significant reduction in cyber bullying and an increase in student connectedness at breaktimes. At Edenhope College Students are required to lock their phones in their lockers from the start of the school day until the end. Phones should not be in pockets or in bags with the student during the school day.


A reminder to families that we are a SunSmart school, thus students are expected to wear a broad brimmed hat whilst outside for all of term 1 and Term 4.


Chad Frost