College News

Hi again to everyone in our learning environment, the year is skipping along quickly and there is a lot happening at present. We have students transitioning, students about to start exams, students raising money for the school, a new teacher, building and ground works and new curriculum for current/future VCAL students.
Students helping the School
Master chefs and sales people Chloe Dubois, Ellie and Maizy Bentley, Layla and Ivy Linto cooked up a storm and then sold it at the local Edenhope (show grounds), market, donating all proceeds to the school. They raised $466 dollars, which was a great effort and the school is honored to accept their generous gesture. I purchased two dozen yo-yo biscuits and they were as good as I’ve ever tasted! I personally took them out for lunch at the Coffee Shop to thank them for what they did 😊 Thanks ladies!!
Fact, - last time I bought yo-yo biscuits from a local market I took them as food for a half iron man in Cairns. Stopping to eat them at the end of the swimming leg for 15 minutes (partly to recover). Doing so I proceeded to miss the cutoff time to start the bike leg by 5 minutes. The next one I do I’ll eat on the run!
New Wellbeing and Student Engagement Leading Teacher
Ben Kilby started with us on Wednesday as our Wellbeing and Student Engagement Leading Teacher. Ben will work in the wellbeing area within the school, working with students/parents/staff and agencies around improving student outcomes. He will use the remainder of term 4 building his portfolio (whole school wellbeing), and then in 2023 Ben will move into a teaching role as well. Ben has taught at various schools in Melbourne with the latest being Swinburne Secondary College where he taught VCE Philosophy as well as leading student agency with a mentoring program. Ben has taught at primary level as well in previous schools. He has been involved at a state level with developing curriculum so he does bring many exciting skill sets with him.
Curriculum, - Secondary Reforms
Victoria is moving to a new integrated senior secondary certificate that will bring together the VCE and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL), pathways. What does that mean for our students? They will be supported to choose and access the pathway that best aligns with their strengths, interests and aspirations while at school. The reformed VCAL curriculum is broken into two parts: The VCE Vocational Major will replace the existing VCAL at the Intermediate and Senior levels. The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year vocational and applied learning program that will enable transitions into apprenticeships, traineeships, further education and training and university: The new Victorian Pathway Certificate (VPC), will be introduced as an inclusive Year 11 and 12 certificate that will replace VCAL at the Foundation level.
Interim Reports
Another initiative that is about to take place at the school will be the rollout of interim reports to some year levels in term 4. This will be expanded on by Assistant Principal Chad Frost in his report, but is aimed at building feedback, looking at improving student outcomes. The idea is reports will come out at the middle of every term so communication home and with students sets them up for better outcomes. See Chad’s report for more details.
Year 12s
Good luck to all year 12s who are finishing their schooling this week, either bound for exams in the next month or heading off to find employment or other further studies. Thirteen years of schooling has finally come to an end, so well done! To those doing VCE exams continue to find a balance of working hard, seek teacher support and have some personal time (exercise, reading), to keep fresh. You only have a bit under a month until you’re done and then relax after, work now 😊
Transitioning Students
It’s an exciting time for our new 2023 Foundation students who are starting their transition from kindergarten to school. Probably a more stressful time for parents who wonder how their child will fare in a new environment. Ms Thornton always has a strong program in place to make the transition engaging and fun while building the excitement of what is to come.
Year 6 students are also in the same boat, having almost outgrown primary school they are also involved in a transition program organised by Mrs Hawkins. This program is also very engaging and has students involved in activities that they love, but also exposes them to what the senior school looks like.
Buildings and Grounds
Lots of things are on the go in this area which is really good!
- the stadium roof has been completed
- our new boundary fence is due to start in term 4
- an upgrade to the Little Athletics jumping pits is about to take place
- a new greenhouse is being developed near the school garden
- our wellbeing room is being reconstructed as I write.
Trevor McClure