Principal's Report

Playing in the Rain
I am often asked by students about the jobs that I do as Principal. I need to start adding ‘checking the weather radar’ as one of my (almost daily) tasks! Deciding if events, including assemblies and sports, can go ahead, is heavily influenced by the weather, and the unpredictability of Melbourne weather can often make it a last-minute decision.
The same radar checks are done to determine whether the students can go outside to play at recess and lunchtime. Nobody looks forward to the days when children spend every minute of 9am – 3.30pm indoors, so we always try to allow the students to go outside when possible. Last Friday was quite the day when it came to the weather – I can’t recall seeing the grounds so affected by heavy rain. We were determined to allow the children to go outside, so with a minor break from the downpour, we cordoned off the quagmires, ponds and affected playgrounds, and the students went out and splashed their way through lunchtime.
I think puddles are an ageless attraction; whether it be a toddler fishing for leaves or an adult driving through them, they seem to have the ability to cheer people up.
Circus Skills
After The Year 5/6 concert in term two, and Year 1/2 concert in term three, this term it is now the turn of our Year 3/4 students to perform on the big stage under the lights.
In preparation for the concert, the students are taking part in eight workshops with trained circus professionals this term. Activities conducted during the workshops include juggling, floor displays, balance routines, and comedy. The students will then showcase what they have learnt as a concert, to be held on Thursday 1st December at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School. Save the date – it’s going to be a magical production brimming with an unrivalled mix of genuine circus talent!
School Review Summary
Upon the conclusion of our School Review last term, a draft School Review Report has been written up by our School Reviewer and will be made available on our website later in the term.
A suggestion was made to me to share a summary of some of the key findings that the School Review highlighted, as well as future directions. I think this is a terrific idea, and I look forward to putting together a summary for you to read in the not-too-distant future.
Social Club – Join Us!
The Social Club is one of the four School Council sub-committees that we have at FPS (the others are Finance, Buildings & Grounds, and Policy).
At our next meeting (Thursday 13 Oct, at 3.45pm) we will discuss ways of having more parental involvement in this group. Setting times for these meetings can be difficult, but we hope that we will be able to have greater attendance at our future meetings.
Items and events that the Social Club are currently discussing include:
- (Elements of) Art4All (Friday 11 – Sunday 13 November)
- Election Day Sausage Sizzle (Saturday 26 November)
- End of Year Picnic (Thursday 8 December)
- The possibility of a school fair in 2023
Keep an eye of for details of all our sub-committee meeting times in What’s On, every Thursday.
Lunchtime Clubs
There have been a few changes to the lunchtime clubs this term. Check out the poster to see what is on offer.
Well done to everyone for a great first week back.
~ Paul Wallace, Principal