Kinder News

Red Group News

The children in Red Group have been learning about our universe.  Last week the children played with the space ship, made astronauts and started to create papier mache planets. On Thursday the children helped to make up a story using picture cards at the School Library.  

Our letter of the week last week was G. Together Red Group came up with a wonderful list of words that begin with the letter G.

As part of The Resilience Project the children listened to the story 'My Heart Fills with Happiness by Monique Gray Smith'.  After the story the children thought about what makes their heart happy. They then drew a picture onto a heart shape and an Educator helped to write down the children's responses. The children then cut around their hearts and we hung them in our room for our families to see.

What a wonderful first week back, we are looking forward to more learning and discoveries this week.