We were very pleased to have a visit from the Premier (Daniel Andrews) during the week. He was accompanied by our local member Pauline Richards, and they were walked through the new Wellbeing Centre, which is nearing completion. It was also an opportunity to also visit the site of the proposed new Sports Stadium, which is currently being planned by our appointed architects. Our school has undergone a massive building upgrade in the last 18 months and will continue to do so over the next few years. Our school community will benefit from these improvements for many years to come, and it was pleasing to be able to show the Premier how those funds are being used.
We did have an unexpected surprise from the Premier who announced that our school would also be provided with funding of over $200000 for maintenance, which will be very helpful in maintaining our buildings and grounds.
It was also very pleasing to get our NAPLAN results this week, which confirmed that our students learning growth was well above State and National levels in most areas. Congratulations to the students who performed so well, and to the staff who worked so hard to get the best outcomes for our students.
John Jovic