Instrumental Music Concert

The finale of 2017

Our Instrumental Music program would be nothing without the support of parents who see value in learning an instrument at school. Last Thursday night, despite the rain, a huge number of parents, friends, and staff came to Staughton to celebrate our students’ progress and achievement. We were entertained by several ensembles, including a newly-formed violin group, a keyboard trio, and three rock bands. Dynamic duets and brave soloists also took the stage to share what they’ve been practicing this year, and we were all so impressed!

This year, we nominated our top performers in the program for Student of the Month awards, and last Thursday they were rewarded for their success. These students were chosen by their teachers based on their progress and improvement, leadership qualities and/or exceptional achievement in music. These students were:


February – Jake Vidgen

March – David McAllister

April – Amber Gould

May – Sean Segrave

June – Callum Lowdell

August – Brodie Spalding

September – Matilda Castovita

October – Ethan Hellyer


It’s no surprise to see that out of our highest performing students in the school this year, 50 of them are in the Instrumental Music program. It’s also no surprise to see that nearly half of the 2018 Student Leaders studied a musical instrument at some point. Our Music Captains for next year are Instrumental Music legacies, Zac Neal and Sam Strawbridge. I’m looking forward to seeing the awesome work they both accomplish in the program next year and believe they’ll really enjoy the opportunities and experience of being a student leader.


I have run the Instrumental Music Program for two years now, and in that time, I’ve met some very talented and hardworking students who totally love their instrument, or in some cases, stick around long enough that they learn to love it. I’m also really grateful to all the families and friends who show support at these Music events which we put so much work into organising.


It’s with excitement and sadness that I’ll be moving on from the role of Music Coordinator next year to start a new role in Staughton’s English curriculum team. I’ll really miss being behind-the-scenes of all this madness and noise, but I’ll still be there cheering these students on at every music event, and I know that our newest Music teacher, David Schembri will do a fantastic job taking over in 2018.



Instrumental Music Coordinator