Music Department

Music News
The music department has been a very busy place over the last few weeks. Students have achieved some terrific performances.
Jessy Turner conducted the choir at the whole school assembly.
Congratulations to all students who performed.
Classroom Music
The music elective classes have been performing their group rock bands to their peers for the end of semester. A terrific achievement by all students. They sounded great!
Instrumental Music
North Eastern Regional Concert at Hamer Hall Melbourne The following students represented the school in the regional event at Hamer Hall. They attended 2 days of rehearsals, a sound check in the city and proudly represented the school at the evening concert. Alex Gooding, Luke James and Nicole McAlister all tutored the students in the 90 piece concert band.
Jessy Cai - Flute
Charlotte Fullgrabe - Drums
Victoria King - Clarinet
Freya Matzen - Clarinet
Upcoming Performances Next Term
More details given during week 1 of term 3.
Monday 31st July - Music Concert at Swinburne Theatre
Tuesday 22nd August - All instrumental music students – Evening performance Concert Band performing at Parliament House during the day
Nicole McAlister
Music Coordinator