Year 7 News

Year 7 Bunny Brooches  

Year Seven Bunny Brooches


The Lyceum sunroom was a hive of activity in the last two weeks of term with Year Seven girls making beautiful bunny brooches. Felt, ribbon, buttons, pom poms and stuffing in house colours were set out in a colourful array across the tables, with girls swooping in and out to gather materials. The bunny brooches was a fun optional activity; they were about 7cm tall and had all kinds of unique accessories like bells, pom poms and coloured thread. Miss Busetti and some of her helpers from older year levels looked on, offering handy tips and advice and assisting anyone who was having trouble. Some girls were sewing, some stuffing, some cutting, but all concentrating hard on creating their bunnies. Seated in cushy sunroom chairs, they worked all lunchtime to perfect their little brooches. The creative and unique bunnies were worn proudly by their makers for the last few weeks of term one. Thanks Ms Busetti for setting up this activity.  


By Ellie Bellsmith 7R2


Programming Robots

On Monday the 20th of March, the Year Sevens in Melba 1 were given the most amazing opportunity to work in the STEAM Centre! In the STEAM Centre, we enthusiastically explored using and programming robots!


With much excitement and laughter, we used an app to control and play with our robots. Some people used computers to control their robots. We could make them jump, change colours, spin and even chase our friends around the room! We used many different types of robots including DASH, SPRKS, OZBOTS and many more!


Afterwards we were taught to use another app (or computer). We used the app to complete the different challenges the teachers set for us. By programing the robots, we could make them complete the challenges that we were given. On the app there were different blocks, which you had to connect. Written on the blocks was a movement or action like move forward at 100% speed, jump, spin, turn right 90 degrees or even change colour!


For our challenges, some of us had to program our robots to pick up and put golf balls into a small area. That was really funny to watch! Some of us had to program them to take plastic cups out of a small space. Others had to program our robots to make their way around many different items in a very tricky obstacle course! We all took great delight in the adventures our robots undertook with our brilliant assistance.


We ended our outstanding lesson with a presentation from NAO the robot, where it told us all about itself, how it was created and what it can do! It was astonishing to watch NAO talk, walk, sit and stand!  It was hilarious to watch NAO gesture to things all around the room! We all loved working in the STEAM centre and we can’t wait to go again!


By Milli Tregear, 7M1