Parents & Friends

Upcoming events and more from the P&F


2022 has been a year like no other. The P&F started the year not knowing what COVID restrictions would be, making the start of 2022 difficult to plan. As the year progressed and restrictions were slowly lifted we have been able to bring our community together on so many successful events such as the Movie night, Prep dinner, Mother’s Day stall, Father’s Day breakfast and stall, Trivia Night, coffee mornings, food days and our biggest event this year, the Colour run!


On behalf of the P&F Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Duncan, the school leadership team, our wonderful teachers, support staff, parents and our whole school community for their ongoing support of the P&F activities particularly in the last 2 terms of the school year - it’s been hectic! 


The P&F has raised over $30,000 this year for the school community and has managed to fund 2 major projects for our school, those being the fabulous new playground markings as well as a significant purchase of another 10 picnic tables for the school community. We have also made smaller contributions to Star Day, Spirit Day, gifts for the families leaving the school and the end of year BBQ for the students held on the Colour Run day. All which could not have been possible without the amazing contributions from our parent community and some hard fundraising work by our very own kids! 


As you may or may not be aware a fresh new P&F Committee was elected recently and it would be remiss of me not to acknowledge the wonderful contribution of some very hard P&F members who are stepping down from the committee this year. 


Sharon Wolff has been part of the P&F Committee for 9 years and has been the President for the past 4 years. I am sure you would all agree that the contributions that she has made to the Committee and the school in general have been invaluable. Your knowledge and experience will be sorely missed! Enjoy the extra time to yourself Sharon, you have earned it! 


Kathryn Newman has been part of the P&F for 15 years and she is finally leaving Primary School life behind. We would all like to thank you for the hard work that you have put in over the years especially making sure Mother’s Day stalls and Father’s Day breakfasts/stalls always run smoothly. She will be dearly missed but we know we will see her again on the Toy Stall at the Fete next year! 


We would also like to thank Kellie Dalla Riva for her 10 years of service. We will miss Kellie’s calm nature and big smiles that she brings to the team when things are getting chaotic and hectic. 


The Committee would also like to thank the following members who will be resigning from their positions:

Danie McNeil- Co–Vice President)

Jenelle Williams- General Member

Melinda Newton – Fete Liaison

Melinda Motteram – Food day organiser.

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the team. We couldn’t be more grateful for such a dedicated bunch of people to volunteer for our school.


Finally, I would like to present our new 2023 P&F Executive Committee who are very excited to be able to bring a new fresh approach to the P&F. You will see some exciting changes and new events for 2023. Please congratulate them when  you see them and feel free to approach any of us with any ideas that you may have. 


President - Lauren Cefai

Vice President - Emily Woodhams

Treasurer - Theresa Barry

Secretary - Sally Wilkinson


We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year! 


Kind regards,

Lauren Cefai

P&F President