Learning & Teaching

End of Year

Welcome to the end of the year and our very last newsletter!! 


We have been busy mapping our our Learning and Teaching plan for 2023.


Our Inquiry Learning curriculum focusses -


T1: Wellbeing / Civics & Citizenship

T2: Geography

T3: Science (Earth & Space / Biology)

T4: Design & Technology



T1: Wellbeing / Civics & Citizenship

T2: Geography

T3: Science (Earth & Space / Biology)

T4: Design & Technology



T1: Wellbeing / History

T2: Geography

T3: Science (Earth & Space / Biology)

T4: Design & Technology



T1: Wellbeing / Civics & Citizenship

T2: Geography

T3: Science (Earth & Space / Biology)

T4: Media Arts


These curriculum focusses will be embedded through different curriculum areas, such as Literacy, Maths, etc., during each term in order to make the learning for our students more meaningful, and assist them to make real-life connections.


At the beginning of Term 1 each level will send home a Term Overview to the Parents which will provide a more in-depth look at what your students will be learning about in Term One.

Semester Two Reports

Our school reports were communicated home last week. At Holy Spirit Community School we support an ongoing approach to Assessment and Reporting, in which we link curriculum and classroom practice with assessment. The Student Report is designed to provide you with clear information about your child’s progress against The Victorian Curriculum F–10, which incorporates the Australian Curriculum, and reflects Victorian state-wide priorities and standards. The Student Report documents your child’s achievement to date, as well as the next steps in their learning. 


A big thank you to our teacher for the time and effort they put into each report to make them personalised and specific to each learner at Holy Spirit.


We thank you and your children for all that has been achieved this semester. You should all be proud of your efforts, even during the challenging moments. We also thank each of you for your encouragement, feedback, patience and willingness to engage with us to support your child’s ongoing wellbeing and learning. Please take the time to reflect on and discuss your child’s progress and please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher for any clarification. 


Please email Ben if you have not received your child's school report: blannen@hsringwoodnth.catholic.edu.au

Scholastic Book Club

A huge thank you for your support with the Scholastic Book Club this year. As you may know each order earns the school rewards that can be used to purchase resources and books. Christmas books have been purchased from these rewards and donated to our Christmas hampers. 


In 2023, the rewards will be used to purchase new books for the 1/2 level. We will keep you posted once these have been purchased.


Thank you for your support once again.

School Leader Farewell

A big thank you to our amazing School Leaders who have led the school with such tenacity and pride. You should all be proud of how much you have grown and the impact that you have left on Holy Spirit. We wish you the very best of luck as you begin your next journey. 


A little note from our leaders ...


From Tilly ...

Hi everyone It’s me, Tilly, one of the four best school leaders in the group. I am up here because I have had the best year at Holy Spirit and I would like to thank every one of you for making this the best, most fun and exciting year ever. I would like to thank my past and present teachers for helping me through the best primary school years. I would also like to thank Sheree for the best school production, and to Caeleigh for all the sport and helping make camp so much more fun. Thank you to Sensei for trying to get me to learn Japanese, but I never really got there. Lastly, thank you to Beth for a fun art experience. And lastly, thank you to all of you right here listening to me - thank you for the best year!


From Marianna ...

Hey everyone remember me, in case you forgot I am one of the school leaders this year. I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for all the great experiences you have given me this year, it truly has been amazing. Next year I start year seven so wish me luck. I’m also going to miss you all laughing at our terrible jokes. I want to thank you for letting me talk to you all this year, thank you so much. Don't worry I will save the tears for next week! Have fun in 2023!


From Zach ...

Hey guys it's me, your school leader of 2022. I have had so much fun working with the school and speaking in front of you a lot. If you haven't already noticed there was only one funny school leader this year. Can you guess who it was? Sorry you don’t have to, it’s me. I’ve loved doing all the jobs and developing my leadership skills this year. I believe I have grown as a person, thanks to being one of you school leaders of 2022. Thank you for all the opportunities.


From Sadie ...

For everyone who hasn't been paying attention during assembly, I'm Sadie and I’m a current school leader! I just wanted to say thank you for giving me this awesome opportunity to host assembly and lead the school this year, without all you I wouldn't be standing here today talking about how much I've enjoyed this school year, Next Wednesday I'll be leaving Holy Spirit and will head off to high school, I hope everyone had an awesome year and I wish everyone the best for their future time at Holy Spirit! Have a great holiday, And i'm definitely going to miss being the best School Leader :)


Billy Carts

It was great to gather as a school to celebrate the 5/6 Billy Cart Derby and their learning for Term 4.


A big thank you to our students and teachers for your dedication and coordination to make this event possible. It was great to see team work, enthusiasm and perseverance during the derby. 


Congratulations to the winning billy cart class - 5/6M! 

Final Assembly

Thank you to the Holy Spirit Rock Band for rocking us out at our final assembly. It was wonderful to see so many friendly faces and to see our students acknowledge and thank our school leaders.


Congratulations to our students for being STARs during assembly this year.


Assembly will continue on a Friday in 2023. The time may be altered but we will let you know when this has been confirmed.


Important Dates:

  • Last Day Yr 6: 14th Dec
  • End of Year Mass: 15th Dec, 12pm
  • Last Day P-5: 15th Dec

Have a fabulous holiday break! I look forward to working with each of you in 2023. Stay safe, look after yourselves and do lots of things that make you smile and happy!

Merry Christmas

Kayla Flindt-Petersen

Learning & Teaching Leader