Whole School News

Green Day!

In the 2/3/4 Area, one of our inquiry groups has been learning about plastic pollution. Then we had an idea! For our action, we are organising a GREEN DAY!


On Wednesday 14th December we will have a day where we wear GREEN! (Green t-shirts, green pants, green socks whatever you like!) If you wear green, can you please bring a gold coin donation?


The money we raise will help us buy Soft plastic recycling bins for our classrooms.


Thanks for listening,


Tammy, Abby and Emily 

2/3/4 Plastic Pollution Action Team


SRI News

On Monday December 12th we will have our last Special Religious Instruction (Christianity) session for the year, at the usual after school time from 3.45 – 4.15pm. We would like to invite parents and families of participating students to come and join us in this end of year and Christmas celebration. We hope to re-enact parts of the Christmas story for you and to sing some songs that show some of the things we have been learning about this year. We would love you to come if you can make it!


Cathie Clarke

0411 883 904



Garden News

Hello Hello! The Sustainability Garden has a whole bunch of plants at bargain prices (lots for 100% free)! Come a grab some on Friday after school in the garden. Zucchinis, flowers, lettuces, leek, pumpkins and lots and lots of tomatoes in seedling form! Everything must go! Hurry on down to the garden, this is an offer that simply cannot last! 


Plus our usual delicious lettuces, spring onions and snow pea harvests by donation. 


Students Of The Week

Term 4 - Week 8


Congratulations to our leaders of learning!


Prep S - Klara and Valentina

1/2N - Sophia and Coby

1/2K - Leah and Jack

1/2R -  Samantha and Mia

1/2W - Jasmin and Charlie

2/3A - Tirath and Andrea

3/4H - Nephi and Pippa

3/4K - Mustafa and Khloe

3/4W - Rosie and Gilbert

4/5B-  Heath and Sunny

5/6T - Nevaeh and Roman

5/6Y - Caroline and Ahmed



House Cup


Term 4 - Week 8 Winners:  Golden Wattle!!


Blue Gum - 13 Points

Green Grevillea - 7 Points

Golden Wattle - 5 Points

Red Waratah - 3 Points