Hi families 

Well, this is our last newsletter for 2022.  And what a year it has been!  CHAPS has been so proud to have been able to hold a few events for our kids.  There were the Mothersand Fathers Day stalls, the Easter Raffle, the Cadbury Chocolate fundraiser, a Disco, BBQs galore and the always-fun Colour Run.  We would like to take this time to thank our awesome families for your support in all of these events.  For volunteering your time, donating goods, buying raffle tickets, being patient with us when there were a few  hiccups and for laughing with us as well.  So, thank you all 😊😊

We do have one last event we would love to have your support for though.  Our Bunnings BBQ is THIS Saturday, so come down and buy the family a snag or 5! 

And speaking of BBQs, (we did have a few this year!) CHAPS would like to take this time to thank Aliette, Nicole & Coles for supporting our school by donating some sausages towards our BBQ. 

And an extra-special thankyou to Victoria and CUB for their very generous donation of soft drinks for several events this year. 😊

CHAPS wishes everyone a safe and fun holidays and we will see you, bigger and better with bells on, in 2023.

Thanks everyone

CHAPS Team 💜