Year 7 & 8 Junior School Assembly

Junior School

On Tuesday 7th March during Period 1, all Year 7 and 8 students were involved in their first Junior School Assembly for Term 1 in the Flexible Learning Centre. 

The assembly was conducted by Ms. Benincsa & Mr. Danher (Junior Engagement team). 

The intention of the assembly was to celebrate Year 7 & 8 student successes from the Athletics Carnival, while addressing the college expectations on attendance, engagement, learning, uniform and SWPBS behaviour expectations. 

The students behaved exceptionally well during the assembly and contributed to discussions at the end of the assembly. 

The Junior Engagement team look forward to our next upcoming assembly. 

Well done to all Year 7 & 8 students!

Ms. Benincasa (Director of Junior School) 

Junior Engagement Team