From Our Principal

Timothy Cottrell

Dear Families,


As we approach the end of our first term for this year, I find myself increasingly proud of our community’s achievements. With enrolments continuing to grow across all year levels, our grounds looking very beautiful and the great endeavour of our students – both in their studies and in extra-curricular areas - everywhere evident, we can’t help but feel excited for the year ahead. Our dedicated staff continue to work hard every day to bring every possible opportunity to our students to enjoy success. We thank them, and we celebrate the continuous learning of our students.


At the other end of our great college, the year seven students have commenced extremely well. Students are settled into productive routines and have become immersed in secondary school life. It was gratifying to greet so many families at our year 7 meet the teacher evening, where many of those informal – yet important – educational discussions were had in support of the children. We encourage regular communication with staff on any matter of our young students’ school experience and stand ready to assist / provide advice at any time.

Some very special visitors came to school and left a special message of "Congratulations" for Principal Tim Cottrell on his office whiteboard. These primary school students would know a lot about what makes a "Good Principal!"


Our senior students are well into their first round of assessments and are working hard. Should families seek any advice, information or other supports for their students at these challenging (but ultimately rewarding) stages of their courses, please be sure to contact the college so that we can provide every support.

Our students performed brilliantly in the NAPLAN!
Our students performed brilliantly in the NAPLAN!

Currently many prospective new families are contacting us about year 7 in 2024, and it is a great pleasure to share with them the range of innovations in learning planned for the college. Should anyone in our community know of families seeking a fine education for their children, please encourage them to contact the college to find out more or to enjoy a tour. It is pleasing also to note the many families of grade six children who continue to express interest in our new range of scholarships across the curriculum for 2024. Our information evening – the 4th of the 4th at 6.00pm – will be a great celebration of the growth our Junior school and I hope to personally greet many families on this occasion.


This newsletter issue is a bumper edition full of student activity and achievement. Please enjoy the contents and, like me, marvel in the wide range of wonderful educational achievements in our community.


Timothy Cottrell