Abstract Art with Preps



Last week we were very fortunate to have Hanna visit our Preps to explore the magical world of abstract art. Hanna Rose is a prominent local artist and a mum at St Joseph’s. The students learnt about abstract art and explored how we can use colour to express our emotions.


Hanna guided the students through the creative process by dividing their pages into shapes with a pencil. The Preps then mixed up their own unique colours to paint each shape. We had lots of fun giving the colours their own unique names.


Hanna thank you for guiding this creative process and channelling their inhibited natural style. I hope you enjoy the photos. Some highlights from the children….

I made holiday yellow

Look at my metallic blue

I think about yellow when I am happy

I loved mixing the colours

I loved naming the colours

I had so much fun


The artworks are on display in the art room, please feel free to pop in any time to have a look.

For more information about Hanna Rose please visit her website below.




Thank you Hanna!

Marta CummingsVisual Arts Teacher