Kitchen Garden 


WEEK 2 Term 1 2023

Garden News......

Welcome back to the school year and a busy growing time in our school garden.  Once again summer has bought our garden plenty of corn stalks, pumpkin & cucumber vines and tomatoe bushes. Hoping in the next few weeks alot of fruit will  be ready to harvest.

Our 5/6's have been collecting seeds from the flowers in our garden,  our annual collection means we can store and use varieties of seeds later on through the year. We collected seeds from our Poppy flower, Parsley, Fennel plant and Queen Annes Lace.

We have cleared out garden beds ready to plant up new lettuces and beetroots.  Hopefully our chickens don't eat up our small seddlings.

This week its been great to spend time with Galaxy & Mystery our Guinea Pigs and Nay Nay, Luke Skywalker & Olivia our hens.

Year 1's are all licensed and ready to wheel their Wheel barrows around.  Congratulations to them and safe travelling in the garden.


We look forward to a wonderful year in our St.A's Kitchen Garden with lots of fun times and discovery times.


 Happy Gardening.

Sandy Lindfield

Garden Specialist