Wellbeing & Family Partnerships

Wellbeing Curriculum at St A's: Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR)

This year we have reintroduced RRRR to the students at St A's. During the last block every Wednesday, the whole school partakes in Respectful Relationships lessons and activities as part of our "Wellbeing Wednesdays". (Don't worry - the preps have been doing their lessons on another day until they commence Wednesdays at school on the 8th March.


The first topic covered in RRRR is Emotional Literacy. To give an example of what Emotional Literacy learning involves, the 3/4 cohort (pictured below) are focusing on activities that will assist students to: 

• Describe the influence that people, situations and events have on their emotions 

• Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength 

• Understand how to interact positively with others in different situations 

• Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities.


Emotions discussed in their lesson included:

Excited, Frustrated, Relieved, Nervous, Happy, Bored, Proud, Embarrassed, Surprised and Lonely.


A bit more on RRRR...

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is designed todevelop students’ social, emotional and positive relationship skills. Efforts to promote social and emotional skills and positive gender norms in children and young people have been shown to improve health-related outcomes and subjective wellbeing. It also reduces antisocial behaviours including engagement in gender-related violence.


The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) learning materials cover eight topics of Social and Emotional Learning across all levels of primary and secondary education: Emotional Literacy; Personal Strengths; Positive Coping; Problem Solving; Stress Management; Help Seeking; Gender and Identity; and Positive Gender Relationships.

Ziggy's First Day!

Thanks to our wonderful students, staff and community who were well-prepared in anticipation of Ziggy's arrival, she had a hugely successful first day. Ziggy was able to visit each classroom, though not quite ready to go in, we don't think it will be too long. Students were keen to demonstrate what they have learned about what they needed to do to keep Ziggy feeling safe and calm.  We look forward to having Ziggy at St A's on Thursdays, and hope to build up her days as she grows and learns alongside our students. 


Kind regards,


The Wellbeing Team and the Dogs Connect Core Group


House TEAM Afternoon

In the afternoon on Wednesday 15th February, Grades 1- 6 will be getting together to have some House Colour fun! Mr Butland currently has something in the works, so we know we will have to get our bodies moving. Students are invited to wear their house colours and runners for the day.


NCCD Information Sheet for Parents and Carers



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The Camps, Sports, and Excursions Fund (CSEF) provides payments for eligible students to attend activities like: school camps or trips, swimming and school-organised sports programs, and outdoor education programs.

Please find the 2023 application form attached. Eligibility Date for concession card holders CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/carer concession card being validated successfully with Centrelink on the first day of either term one (30 January 2023) or term two (24 April 2023).