Year 8 Pastoral Guardian

Jeni Barlow

Welcome to the final Parent Corner for 2022. This year, Year 8 students have undertaken a Personal Development program of great variety and challenge, affording them a chance to understand themselves better, to reflect, and to grow in all aspects of their lives. Thank you to the Year 8 students who have captured the essence and their key take-aways from this year’s program.

Brinlyn Malisani
Brinlyn Malisani

Term 1 

Building an understanding of learning and how to succeed in examinations

In this unit, we grew academically through the teaching of the brain and how to effectively study, which prepared us for the busy year ahead. 


My key take-aways were:

  • Organise time properly, and that a balance between study, relaxing and social time is necessary for our wellbeing.
  • Excellent organisation and preparation pays off during assessment time. 

Brinlyn Malisani

Taskin Bari
Taskin Bari

Term 2: Character Strengths

Character Strengths is a program where each of us identified the best parts of our character and the aspects on we could improve. This unit really allowed each of us to understand ourselves and how we can become better people. My key take-aways were:

  • This program allowed me to learn about my strengths and how I can use these to my advantage as I set goals, chase dreams, and interact with others. 
  • Socially, we learnt how to improve our behaviour around other people, learning how to deal with moral challenges appropriately, and according to our strengths. 

Taskin Bari

Abby Argus
Abby Argus

Term 3: Love Bites

This year, we learnt in our Love Bites program about respectful relationships - whether they be romantic, friendships, or connections with family. My key take-away points were:

  • Relationships need space to grow and you constantly need to work on them; communication is critical in all good relationships; it’s okay to let go of a relationship that is not good for you.
  • I believe young people should be taught these lessons to help them develop the fundamentals of healthy relationships; concepts like ‘consent’, ‘No’ means ‘No’, and what positive and respectful relationships look, feel, and sound like, are essential as we grow in independence and broaden our friendships. 

Abby Argus

Term 3: Dancefever 

This dance program allowed us to develop our physical fitness and skills, connect with peers, and develop social skills between ourselves and with our Padua peers. My key take-aways were:

  • The importance of being socially involved and connected; being able to communicate comfortably with the Padua boys made the experience much less awkward and way more enjoyable. 
  • Despite our initial trepidation, when we decided to be brave and commit to the adventure, friendships were built through fun-filled and fantastic dances. 

Ashlin Dolan 

Term 4 : On-line Safety 

In this unit we explored the protocols around safety and being a good cyber-citizen, which can be tricky for adolescents! As a young person who is faced with 21st century technologies daily, this unit taught me how to become more confident, mature, and aware when handling online platforms. My key-take aways were:

  • Face-to-face communication is more personal, safe, and meaningful. Although online interactions may seem more convenient, friendships can be jeopardised. Think first, then post. 
  • Not to allow the message on a screen diminish my value or worth. 
  • I now feel better equipped to use online platforms productively for a safe and enjoyable experience. 

Gemma Holmes


Yesterday, the Year 8s had their final assembly as members of the Francis School. The video told a great story of their learning, friendships, and involvement in cocurricular activities. During this time, I also shared my hopes for them, using Charlie Mackesy’s inspiring and delightful story, The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse. My wishes for the cohort are:

  1. Know what motivates you - know yourself and what is important to you in order to be the person you want to be.
  2. Be true to yourself - avoid comparing yourself, your story, your journey to others. You are unique, and not designed to be a carbon copy of others. Walk your own journey guided by your own values and what is right, true, and just. Believe in yourself, your own skills, the people around you, and your potential. 
  3. Dream big for anything is possible – name what is important, set your sails, and work for it. Do not diminish your potential or dreams because of fear.
  4. Your attitude will influence your outcomes in life - how you react to the people, events in your life is totally within you. An attitude of gratitude is a good place to start. Life is hard, things do not always go to plan, but hold on tight knowing storms pass.
  5. You are not alone. Together, we achieve more. In the near and far future, admit you need help, and reach out to those who can help you. It is a sign of strength, not weakness to do so.
  6. Be kind, compassionate, and tolerant. These virtues are the medicine to ourselves, and our world. In making deliberate choices to practise these behaviours, we can celebrate diversity and create unity.

Our Francis School leaders also wrote and shared a beautiful poem, reflecting on the past two years and the dreams that lie ahead. This group of students has been wonderful to work with throughout the year, due to their energy and desire to bring the group together. 


Francis School Leaders’ poem.
Summer’s here, but there’s one last thing!
Before we pack our bags, and hear the bell ring, 
Let’s reflect on our years, from where we have come
And what we need to do, to join as one. 
We all know we’ve come from far and wide
But over two years, we’ve grown in pride
As we’ve pushed ourselves in ways we couldn’t conceive
We now know what it means to believe, to achieve, to succeed. 
Some days have been storms, while others, sunshine
When we’ve had each other’s backs, we knew we were fine.
Whatever the day -now or afar, let’s not forget
To stay humble, kind and keep a positive mindset. 
So, as we continue on our next four years
May our words and actions always revere
‘Try our best, don’t be afraid to take risks,
Get back up if we fall, and always persist’.
So let’s be proud, but let’s strive to be more,
For when 2023 opens its doors,
Let’s make it bigger, better, and brighter than ever
By living, laughing, playing and working together. 
Thanks for all your efforts this year.
Happy and safe holiday.   


Thank-you for the privilege of being your child’s Pastoral Guardian over the past two years. As they pass through Claire and Elizabeth Hayes School, I will continue to take an interest in their lives, watching them flourish as they continue to embrace the Mount Alvernia spirit and its opportunities.


Best wishes to you and your families for a very safe, relaxing, and joyous Christmas holidays.


Jeni Barlow