Co-curricular - Senior Sport

Term 1
A very warm welcome to the new school year.
As always, students, parents and carers are required to regularly check the information published via the Especean, College Website, SPC App or Daily Announcements to make sure they understand the details of matters related to SPC.
Some key dates I wish to bring to every one’s attention:
Event | Date |
Secondary House Swimming Carnival | Thursday 16 February (Week 3) |
Secondary House Athletics Carnival | Tuesday 14 March (Week 7) |
ISA Swimming Carnival | Wednesday 15 March (Week 7) |
Secondary Winter Sport Trials | Commencing Wednesday 16 March (Week 7) |
Winter Sport Internal Trials | Saturday 25 March (Week 8) |
BLACK AND GREEN SHIELD: Rugby, Football and Tennis Trial Fixture | Saturday 1 April (Week 9) |
Baseball and Basketball Presentation Night | Monday 3 April (Week 10) |
Cricket and Swimming Presentation Night | Tuesday 4 April (Week 10) |
Senior School Summer Sports photos after school | Wednesday 15 February and Tuesday 21 February from 3:15 PM till 4:45 PM |
I wish to emphasise the importance and need for the community to download the College app to ensure you are up to date with all relevant co-curricular sport items.
Team App is no longer being used. We are only using the SPC App, so that we have one form of communication that is quick and convenient for our community.
To ensure you are only receiving notifications which are relevant to you or your son, on the home page of the app, click the Settings button on the bottom right corner, then select the Subscriptions option. Here you can select the Co-curricular activities which you wish to subscribe to.
Uniform and attendance
All boys should be well aware of where their team is playing each week and be correctly attired for their match. Boys attending fixtures in support are also reminded to wear their College Supporter’s shirt and College black crested shorts/tracksuit. If boys wish to wear a hat for sun protection, only the black College cap or white ‘Greg Chappell-style’ hat is to be worn.
Any request for leave from training or games should be directed in advance to Mr Fochesato or to me in writing.
Anthony Calavassy
Head of Secondary Sport