
McGlade Library Homework Club Re-opens
I am pleased to advise parents, carers and boys that the McGlade Library will re-open and be supervised from 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM Monday to Friday as of Monday 13 February. The Homework Club will provide an environment that is quiet and supervised by staff members available to assist with the boys with developing good study habits, techniques, timetables and the like.
Students will be expected to sign in and sign out at the commencement and conclusion of their homework session and are not compelled to stay for the full duration of the above-mentioned time. They should however make their parents aware as to what period of time they will be using this facility in order to arrange travel home.
Those students availing themselves of this service are encouraged to bring some snacks and refreshments which they can consume between 3:10 PM and 3:30 PM. Please note that the McGlade library will cater to a maximum of 60 boys any afternoon.
Clearly, there will be expectations placed on those attending these after school Homework Club sessions, not least of all; students are not use their devices to play games and they are to remain on task and respect the privacy of others by working quietly.
The College is hopeful that families will benefit from this service. Any queries in relation to this matter should be directed to me in the first instance. Please note that Homework Club will not proceed on the following days:
- Friday 10 February due to Opening Mass and High Achievers Ceremony
- Thursday 16 February due to the Senior School Swimming Carnival
- Homework Club will also shut down for the Term 1 holidays on Tuesday 4 April.
Seniors School Summer Sports Photos
Parents/carers and boys are advised that in order to limit the number of clashes with classroom learning time, the College will trial having the Senior School Summer Sports photos taken after school this year. In essence, boys in the 13s and 14s who play Basketball, Cricket and Baseball will have their photos taken on Wednesday 15 February from 3:15 PM till 4:45 PM. House Prefects will also have their photo taken at this time.
Boys in the 15s, 16s and Opens who play Basketball, Cricket and Baseball along with the Swimming Squad and Golf Team will have their photos taken on Tuesday 21 February from 3:15 PM till 4:45 PM.
Clearly, the intent is to have photos taken on an afternoon that teams ordinarily train. That said, it is not possible to accommodate all teams/squads on their preferred dates. Further details will be distributed to parents/carers and boys in coming weeks.
2022 Co-curricular Photos
Sadly, the 2022 Co-curricular photos have not yet been made available to the College community but I am hopeful that this can be rectified within the week. It is highly likely that I will be able to inform parents/carer of the ordering process in next week’s Especean. In the meantime, I apologise for the inconvenience and acknowledge your patience.
Co-curricular Training and Fixtures/Performances – Expectations
As we approach the re-commencement of the Summer season, I would like to take this opportunity to remind staff, parents/carers and students of the following protocol should a boy be absent from his training session or Saturday fixture.
Incorrect Uniform
Should a student not be wearing correct uniform, they will be issued with a College infringement in conjunction with the following consequence:
- First occasion – half-lunch detention and MIC notified
- Second occasion – one hour after school detention, MIC and Head of Sport notified
- Subsequent occasion – College detention, MIC and Head of Sport notified.
No Attendance – Training
On the rare occasion that a student misses a scheduled training session, the following is to occur:
- The next day at school, the student is to supply a satisfactory explanation from his parents/carers for his absence to his coach or Age Coordinator.
- If this does not occur, the student will be issued with a College infringement in conjunction with the following consequence:
- First occasion – half lunch detention and MIC notified
- Second occasion – one hour after school detention, MIC and Head of Sport notified
- Subsequent occasion – College detention, MIC and Head of Sport notified.
No Attendance – Fixtures
On the rare occasion that a student misses a scheduled fixture, the following is to occur:
- The student is to supply a satisfactory explanation from his parents/carers for his absence to the MIC and Head of Sport
- This communication MUST be received by no later than 9:00 AM Tuesday morning.
If this does not occur OR the explanation is deemed unsatisfactory, the student will be issued with a College infringement in conjunction with the following consequence:
- First occasion – College detention and Director of Co-curricular notified
- Second occasion – 3-hour Saturday Community Service detention and Director of Co-curricular notified.
Co-curricular Uniform – Travelling on Public Transport
As of February 2016, boys have been permitted to wear the following College attire while making their way home on Public Transport at the conclusion of an afternoon’s training session:
- Full Summer or Winter College Uniform depending on the season
- The College Supporter’s shirt, College crested black shorts, white socks and runners/sandshoes
- The College tracksuit is optional yet highly recommended to be worn during the Winter season.
You are to note that the College is being quite specific and as such, no boy should be wearing house t-shirts, rugby socks, football boots, etc, on public transport. These expectations are also in place for boys travelling to school for an early morning Co-curricular training session.
Failure to adhere to these conditions will result in the following consequences:
- First instance – College detention and the above-mentioned privilege will be taken from you for a period of two weeks
- Second instance – College detention and the above-mentioned privilege will be taken from you for a period of 6 months.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular