Junior School

Welcome to the Junior School
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of our St Patrick’s College families, existing and new, to the 2023 school year! Whether you are a Year 6 family returning after the summer break, or a Year 5 family new to our school (or a combination of both), we warmly welcome you to a brand new academic year. One of the things I enjoy most about returning from the holiday break each year is listening to all of the stories that are shared about adventures that have been experienced everywhere from just down the road, to all around the world. It is a time of excitement in reconnecting with friends and also being open to making new ones. It is a time when the Junior School truly comes alive with excitement and joy!
Nothing compares to the atmosphere created on the first day of the school year for students. There was certainly a buzz in the air as Year 5 and Year 6 began their 2023 journeys this week, and this feeling continued in the classroom, with a focus on building respectful relationships with others. Relationships are the foundation of a successful year at school, and our committed staff will certainly aim to form effective connections with both students and parents/carers as the year unfolds.
“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.”
This quote has been attributed to many and has long been one that I reflect on at the start of each new year. It reminds me of the importance of building student confidence every day and the enormous impact of words and actions on those in our care at school. While the sentiment of this quote is embedded deeply into the hearts of all our staff across the College, as Junior School teachers, we understand the enormous trust that parents/carers place in us to nurture and care for your son/s. We take the privilege of our roles as educators seriously in undertaking the task of helping each boy to reach their own unique potential. At the same time, we strive to ensure a relationship of trust is established from the beginning of the year so that in time, each boy will look back on his journey in the Junior School with a sense of gladness. May God bless our year together!
As a staff, we are looking forward to working with your boys, in partnership with you, to make the most of their time in the Junior School throughout the course of the year ahead. In light of this, please access the link below to view the list of Junior School staff, in addition to their relevant email address, should you need to contact a member of our team.
Junior School Camps
The first few weeks of the school year certainly promises to be eventful with both grades attending a three-day camp experience. Year 5 will be heading to Katoomba Christian Convention Centre in Week 3 between Tuesday 14 February to Thursday 16 February. This is the first time that our Year 5 cohort has been given the opportunity to take part in a camp, which will no doubt prove to be a significant milestone in their journey as our newest cohort of Junior School students. All boys will be encouraged to challenge themselves, develop their skills, to form and strengthen relationships with their peers and most importantly, to enjoy themselves whilst they are away!
On the other hand, Year 6 will be travelling to Canberra in Week 2 between Monday 6 February to Wednesday 8 February. Students will visit various significant national attractions on their journey as they seek to form new friendships in a unique environment, further develop important life skills and build upon their own knowledge and understanding of specific units of work that will be covered in class related to Australian democracy and government. It is important to note that this camp will replace the previous experience students took part in towards the end of Year 6 when they visited Camp Somerset, as the boys will be given the opportunity to participate in this particular camp multiple times when they become part of the Senior School.
We hope that all boys enjoy their upcoming camp experience and look forward to being able to share many stories of adventure, excitement, personal growth and learning with parents upon their return.
If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email (glenn.stephenson@spc.nsw.edu.au) or phone (8705 9247) and I will endeavour to assist you in any way that I can.
May God bless you,
Glenn Stephenson
Director of Junior School