
Term 1
With the commencement of the academic year, I warmly welcome both new and returning students, and their parents/carers, to the College. The homeroom teachers, year coordinators and I are looking forward to working with you during the course of the year as we continue to assist in your son’s growth in all dimensions of his wellbeing.
As outlined in the respective introductory letters being distributed by the year coordinators, if at any stage you have concerns, please feel free to contact your son’s homeroom teacher in the first instance, their year coordinator or myself.
In the coming week I recommend that parents/carers are asking their son/s how they are coping with the return to lessons. Across the respective cohorts in their Pastoral Care Periods (PCPs) or homeroom, students will be instructed to write their academic, wellbeing and personal goals for Semester 1; I encourage parents/carers to check the goal-setting section when signing your son’s diary. There is a space for parents/carers to sign and provide feedback to students.
Parents and carers are reminded of the Mobile Device Policy and Procedures (pgs. 46-47 College Diary). Students who have their devices confiscated will have a hierarchy of consequences applied depending on the occasion.
I take this opportunity to remind parents/carers of the expectations relating to student travel on public transport (p.39 College Diary). Students should always use their Opal Card; they should refrain from noisy and disruptive behaviour that may impact on their peers, general public or driver. There will be significant consequences issued for students who are found to be persistently disrupting the travel of others.
Finally, parents/carers are to note that there will be no active supervision of students at the College prior to 8:15 AM unless they are involved in a College endorsed/organised before school activity (e.g., training, class, music etc). Families are encouraged to avoid having students arrive at the College before supervision commences. If students do arrive prior to 8:15 AM they should be situated in the following areas only:
- Years 5, 6 Junior School Yard
- Years 7, 8, 9 Smollett Place
- Years 10, 11, 12 Senior Yard
Child Safeguarding
Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) has developed the EREA Child Safeguarding Standards to enhance the way that each EREA school creates and maintains a child safe environment. The Standards aim to develop further a culture within each EREA school wherein protecting children and young people from abuse and other harm, and the promotion of child safety, participation, empowerment and wellbeing, is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of our College’s leaders, staff, and volunteers. Furthermore, Child Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All adults in the College community have a shared responsibility for contributing to the safety and protection of students.
The following senior staff members are listed as nominated Child Safeguarding Officers at the College. Principal, Dr Lavorato, Deputy Principal, Mr Byrne and Director of Wellbeing, Mr Simpson have received additional specialised training with respect to child safety and protection issues such as physical abuse or harm, sexual abuse, grooming, serious emotional of psychological harm, neglect and family violence.They are a point of contact for raising child safety concerns within the College and are also responsible for championing child safeguarding within the College and assisting in coordinating responses to child safety incidents.
Applications for Leave
Parents and carers are reminded that ordinarily the College requires at least four weeks’ notice of Applications for Leave; this includes requests for the final day of the term. Unless prior approved leave has been granted, it is an expectation that all students be present for key College events such as Opening Mass and High Achievers’ Assembly (Friday 10 February), Swimming and Athletics Carnivals, Founder’s Day and parent-teacher interviews in June. If a student does not have a valid reason for being absent from these events, there will be a consequence applied.
In past years the NSW Oz-Tag and Touch Football Championships have been held in February at times that have coincided with key College events. Requests for Leave to attend these events will need to be submitted as soon as possible so they can be processed, and notification provided to parents/carers.
There have been some slight changes made on TASS relating to notification of leave, such as family situations, attending funerals, special or religious events. Parents/carers are asked to contact their son’s Year Coordinator or Director of Junior School prior to the requested absence. Once approved, the absence will be added to the student’s attendance record.
For requests of three or more days, the Application for Leave and Exemption From Attendance Forms are available on the College’s website for parents/carers to download, complete and return to Mr. Simpson, Director of Wellbeing.
Information Evenings
Further to any information provided by the 2023 Year Coordinators in their introductory letters, parents and carers are advised of the dates and start times for the annual Parent Information Evenings.
Secondary School
Year 7 Monday 6 February Time: 6:30 PM
Year 8 Tuesday 7 February Time: 7:00 PM
Year 9 Tuesday 7 February Time: 7:00 PM
Year 10 Wednesday 8 February Time: 7:00 PM
Year 11 Wednesday 8 February Time: 7:00 PM
Junior School
Year 5 Monday 20 February Time: 5:00 PM
Year 6 Monday 20 February Time: 6:00 PM
The Wellbeing Team wishes your family the very best for a productive and memorable 2023.
Robert Simpson
Director of Wellbeing