Deputy Principal

On Tuesday it was great to see our newest members of the St Patrick’s College community come through the gates. Our Year 5 students, as well as new students in Years 6-11, made their way through the gates for the first time and there certainly was a real sense of hesitation, and as the day went on - excitement. The build-up to a new year can be daunting for new boys to the College as they fear the unknown. However, I wish to thank Mr Glenn Stephenson and his Junior School team for the way they ran the Year 5 induction and parent information session, as well as our Parents’ and Friends’ Committee for hosting the morning tea for our Year 5 parents and carers.
I also thank Mrs Felicity Warsop and her team for inducting our Year 7 students into the Senior School. They were ably assisted by Mr Alex Fox and our Year 12 students who were also here and made sure there was a warm welcome for all our Year 5,7 and new students in other years.
Wednesday saw the hustle and bustle of our full student community back together and at the time of writing having finished their first day, there was much excitement as our young men caught up with their friends about their holidays and reacquainted themselves with their teachers.
I have enjoyed being back in the classroom teaching my Year 12 Economics class. There is nothing better than tying together real-life issues of inflation, interest rates, unemployment and growth figures and working with the students to find solutions to the economic issues that we face daily.
Transport and Parking
As construction of the Scientia Building forges ahead, we have over 100 tradesmen on site each day. This will make parking extremely difficult this term for everyone in our community.
Can I please ask that you are all considerate of our community including our neighbours. Please:
- obey all road rules
- do not park across driveways
- do not overtake other cars. We are all busy and we need to be patient and respect each other.
If using ‘Kiss and Drop’ please ensure your son/s get out of the car as soon as you stop in Fraser Street. We should be having no more than 15 cars unload their passengers at any one time. This will speed up the process for all and allow your son to safely walk to the school gates.
Students travelling by public transport must use their Opal card. In the event that the College needs to ask for extra bus services due to overcapacity, the only way to assess this is to make a request with State Transit who will look at the number of students that have ‘tapped on.’
I look forward to seeing you all again over the coming week at the Parent Information evenings.
Adrian Byrne
Deputy Principal