Co-curricular - Junior Sport

Welcome to Term 1
A warm welcome to all our new Year 5 boys and their families and welcome back to all our returning Year 6 students and families. I hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable Christmas and New Year period and were able to spend much of the time with family and friends.
Term 1 is very busy when it comes to Co-curricular activities in the Junior school. We have the first two of our three major carnivals. Swimming on Friday 3 March at Birrong Pool and the Cross Country Carnival on Tuesday 14 March. Parents and carers are welcome to spectate at these events. We do ask that at these events that parents/carers and students remain in their designated areas.
Year 5 and 6 students will participate in swimming trials in the coming weeks, and I will notify the Junior School community when they will be held. They will fit in around the camps and will be held in the College pool after school in the afternoon. These trials will inform lanes and divisions for the House Carnival for those boys interested in participating in championship events and help in the selection of the 2023 Junior School Swimming Squad.
Summer sport trials commence this week. Due to our current building project at the College, we have a reduced capacity to host trials and fixtures this term. With this in mind, the trial schedule for the Junior School is as follows:
- Basketball: Wednesday 1 February in the College Gym; 120 boys will be selected and then complete a grading on Saturday 4 February at Auburn Basketball Centre Wyatt Park, Church Street, Lidcombe, 8:00 AM – 10:30 AM approximately
- Tennis: is still to be advised. time, date and venue will be published on the SPC App and boys involved will be notified by Thursday 2 February
- Cricket: Year 5: Friday 3 February, Fatima Nets (College grounds) Periods 3 and 4
Year 6: Monday 3 February, Fatima Nets (College grounds) Periods 1 and 2
- Softball: Thursday 2 February, SPC No 2, Periods 1 and 2
The College will provide equipment for trials, such as balls, pads, mitts and helmets. The exception is tennis and cricket. All boys trialling for tennis MUST have their own racquet and boys should have their own groin protector for cricket.
Once a student trials and is selected into a team, he is unable to trial for other sports and is committed to the sport he is selected in. Boys that miss out on selection in a sport are more than welcome to trial in another available trial.
Unfortunately, not all boys will be able to make a Summer team. This is due to the relative size of our competing schools and the fact that there is not enough competition to cater for all boys who want to play a Summer sport. Boys that miss out on a team are invited to take part in the Summer Skills Program. This program will be held on Saturday mornings and is aimed at developing the boys sport skills, particularly in the Summer sports. Once the current trials have concluded, I will ask for expressions of interest for the Summer Sports Program.
Training for Summer sport occurs after school on the College grounds and surrounding facilities. Typically, teams have two sessions a week. Monday is an extended session based on skill development. This session concludes at 4:45 PM. The second session, a conditioning session, is held later in the week and concludes at 3:55 PM. All sessions a dependant on facility availability and coach timetables. This means that, currently not all teams will have two sessions per week and some teams will not train on Monday afternoons. Training information will be confirmed once the trials have been completed.
A draft draw for all Summer sports will be posted this week on the SPC App. This is to help families plan out the first 6 weeks of the Summer season. Please be aware that this draw is only a draft and is subject to weekly change. All parents/carers and students will need to regularly check the SPC App weekly for the updated weekly draw.
A reminder of the College Co-curricular Policy: Any student playing a sport outside the College that is offered either in Summer or Winter at St Patrick’s, is expected to play that sport for the College. Those boys playing rugby league would be expected to play rugby union for the College. Boys are welcome to continue to play club sport, however where clashes occur, it is understood that the College comes first. This is also applicable to trainings of an afternoon. If you have any concerns, please contact me via email and I would be happy to discuss your son’s situation with you.
I look forward to seeing all our boys out on the fields, courts and diamonds this term. Showing off their skills and watching them develop as athletes and young men. Good luck to all those participating in the upcoming trials.
John Locke
Junior School Coordinator of Co-curricular