Student Recognition Awards

Doncaster Primary School Recognition Awards

Term 4 

PFZara MYou have shown great persistence with using a pencil grip! You always ask for help and continue to try hard to hold your pencil correctly.
PFNick I am so proud of how hard you try when working independently. You always give everything a go! Well done.
PQHarrison Congratulations Harrison for putting so much effort into skip counting this week. I am extremely impressed with all your number learning. Outstanding effort. 
PQSara Congratulations Sara for trying your best in all learning areas. I am proud of how you shared your VIP this week. Great effort! I am very proud of you.
PQJacob Congratulations Jacob for showing determination while participating in directed drawing of a kookaburra. I’m so proud of you.   Amazing effort!
PQTerrence Congratulations Terrence for showing determination while participating in swimming this week. I’m so proud of you.  Outstanding effort!
PQChloe Congratulations Chloe for being a kind and caring member of our class. Your positive attitude, friendly smile and ability to strive to achieve your very best is a credit to you. Keep up the fantastic work.
PQBenjamin Congratulations Ben for showing all of our school values and trying your personal best in all learning domains. Outstanding effort!
PSEthan For trying your best in maths making different patterns. Well done!
PSQuentin I am very impressed with your improvements your have made in your writing completing your work independently by sounding out words. Keep it up!
PSAyla You have made such big improvements in your writing to sound out words and trying to reread to ensure it makes sense. Keep it up!
1GAustin For approaching all areas of his learning with an excellent attitude and determination to achieve best. Impressive effort Austin. Well done!
1GSofia For settling well into her new school and aiming to do her best. Well done Sofia!
1GIsabella For amazing effort in all areas of her learning all year! Well done Isabella. You have achieved impressive results!
1PIvy LFor looking out for others and being a kind and caring friend. Great work, Ivy!
1PBenita HFor her excellent work when learning about Australian money. Great job, Benita!
1PBenita SFor always demonstrating a positive attitude at school, and for trying to make others laugh. Excellent work, Benita S!
1WRyan For settling into DPS school life so well. We love having you Ryan!
1WSam For being a calm and understanding member of 1W. Keep it up Sam!
1WIsabella MFor you constant hard work and dedication to your learning. You are a star Isabella!
2CRaaifWell done Raaif on writing an excellent persuasive story.
2CHopeWell done Hope on doing your very best work in Maths.
2CRichardWell done Richard for improving your reading this Term.
2CRastinWell done Rastin on trying your best in Maths.
2COscarWell done Oscar on improving your handwriting.
2CAnnaWell done Anna for improving your reading this Term.
2PRadinFor making new friends, settling into the daily routines of the classroom and for doing his best during study. I have been impressed with Radin’s progress.
2PAdibFor always being a positive influence on others. He remains gracious towards others. He has assisted new students settling in to the class and has built new friendships.
2PAvalynFor her unwavering determination during study. Avalyn is always on task and always strives to complete her best work. Keep being your best self.
2NKMadisson For giving 100% effort on all occasions and being such a kind and caring person.
2NKCaleb For having an excellent work ethic and always being willing to help everyone.
2NKMani For always thinking of others first and being a great friend to everyone.
3BDaniel Well done Daniel on your outstanding work publishing your nonfiction text on ‘The Beatles’. You have used your computer skills extremely well to create a well-structured and informative piece.
3BOlivia Olivia, you continue to impress with your writing. You have been focused during mini lessons and taken on board learning to ‘elevate’ your written pieces. Your quickwrite, ‘The Dive’, shows your outstanding writing skills and impressive ability to engage an audience.
3BAshe Ashe, I was so impressed by your confidence in our reading group this week. You read with great fluency and expression and monitored your reading very well. Keep up the great work!
3GChloe What a wonderful student Chloe has been this year. She has made amazing improvements in her reading, writing and maths. In addition, Chloe is always so positive, kind and helpful. Well done, Chloe!! 
 Addison What a wonderfully kind and thoughtful class member you are Addison. Your thoughtfulness and polite manners make you a role model for others.
3GTrista What a fabulous year of learning you have had Trista. You are an inspiration to others with the motivation and hard work you put into your learning. Your work is always your very best effort, well done!
3LAydin For being a very dedicated learner by consistently trying his best with every task he completes. Awesome job Aydin!
3LNoor For giving 100% effort to each and every task. Noor works very hard to achieve her academic goals. Well done!
3LSophia Well done Sophia for working hard during Writing to construct complete sentences in English. Keep up the hard work!
3LRoham For his dedication to completing and handing in his homework every week this term. Roham has been filling out his reading log every night and is very close to being awarded Ninja Reader. Well done Roham!
3LAraz Well done Araz for your hard work and focus when completing all work tasks. You have improved so much this year and you should be so proud of yourself. Well done!
3LAmanda For her ability to show acceptance and inclusion towards all of her peers. Amanda has been a great friend to her classmates this term, always making sure everyone feels happy and safe at school. Well done Amanda!
3LYuna Well done Yuna for being a responsible and reliable class member of 3L this year. You can always be depended on to complete any task that is requested of you.
3LArsha Well done Arsha for working hard this term to achieve your spelling goals. Keep up the hard work and dedication!
4FHumza Humza has made a great start in 4F. He is a kind, respectful and hard-working addition to our class. We are so happy you are in 4F, Humza!
4FSebastian Sebastian gave very thoughtful feedback to his peers after they presented their persuasive writing pieces! He demonstrated great listening skills and showed support for his classmates.
4FKarm Karm is a very kind and respectful member of our class. He consistently tries his best and offers to help others (including me!).
4MQFlorenceFor always offering to assist in the classroom. Thank you Florence!
4MQValencia For her beautiful bookwork and for gaining her pen licence. Well done!
4MQJeremyFor always challenging himself during Maths lessons. Excellent work!
4SMGrae For being a considerate class member who generously puts others before himself. 
4SMChloe For always being an enthusiastic and responsible member of our school who is an outstanding role model to others.
4SMZoey For always putting in her very best effort when completing classroom tasks.
5EJonahFor writing a wonderful persuasive piece. You worked so well and efficiently in class. Well done for presenting it so confidently to your peers. Keep up the great work!
5EAdianaFor sharing your persuasive piece with the class. Your writing has improved so much and you should be very proud of yourself for sharing and speaking Infront of the whole class. Well done!
5EBilguunFor engaging well during our maths session on negative numbers. You worked efficiently through the questions and understood the topic well. Great Job! 
5KWeiming For continuing to improve his skills in Mathematics and ability to explain his thinking to others.
5KRod For his engagement and focus during our lessons on the Solar System
5KSmaragda For showing willingness to challenge herself and work independently during Theme lessons.
5OStephanie for her incredible work in all areas of the curriculum, Stephanie always tries her best in everything she does and have made amazing progress this year.
5OJenna for her amazing work in VHAP, Jenna has gone above and beyond expectations. Well done Jenna.
5OParsa for making a fantastic start at DPS. Parsa has quickly become a key member of DPS and has shown all of our school values. Great job Parsa.
5OSamuel for showing all the school values as he became a member of DPS. Samuel can be relied upon to work hard and help others.
6CJean Congratulations Jean! You have done an exceptional year’s work. You are always on task and work beautifully. Well done and keep up the excellent work!
6CElana Well done, for your improved effort to show excellence and respect at school. You are concentrating during focused instruction and learning time which is great. You are learning great things - keep it up, Elana!
6JEdward For continuing to strive towards his personal best despite being unwell. Your resilience is a credit to you.
6JSanti For choosing to make an artist tag to represent the 6J World Children’s Day tree. Your artistic skills are incredible!
6JAlex For engaging in conversations with teachers and peers. You have initiated conversation and taken an interest in others, which has been appreciated.
6JChris For showing excellent understanding of the themes, characters, cinematography and content in our film study. 
                                                                Specialist Awards



For always giving 100% in every P.E. lesson. What a superstar!



For a greater level of focus and behaviour in P.E. over the last few weeks. Keep it up Wayne!



For her improved behaviour and following teacher instructions with a smile on her face. Well done Celine!



For his wonderful respectful attitude in P.E. Anwin always offers to assist and is a real asset to 4F. Great work Anwin!



For her positive ‘have a go’ attitude that sees her volunteer for all tasks required and gives every one of them her full effort! Emma you’re amazing!



For his calm and measured approach to Physical Education this this term. Ivan has shown what a great listener he is and performs to his best each week. What a star!



For giving all activities in P.E. her best effort. Erin has demonstrated what a capable athlete she is. Keep it up Erin!



For developing his resilience during the year in P.E. While challenged at times this year, Samson has shown great persistence and made pleasing progress in his social interactions and skill level. Well done Samson!
P.EMax 3BFor offering to assist students who had missed their fitness assessments this week. Max is always a kind and considerate student in PE and an asset to his class. Great work Max!



For always trying her best. Isabella is always enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Isabella!



Rafaela always tries her best and takes great pride in the presentation of her work. Rafaela loves to help around the classroom too. Well done, Rafaela!



For her beautiful and creative artwork of a farm! She came into the art room during recess and lunch to finish the work as well. Well done, Nilou!



For being actively involved in all our learning experiences. Benita always presents her work neatly and colourfully. You are amazing Benita.



For her excellent work ethic. Vritti always tries her best and takes great pride in the presentation of her work. Well done Vritti!
ARTCyreentra 5O For her excellent listening on the mat. Cyreentra is always keen and eager to learn. Well done!



For working hard and listening carefully at all times. Keep up the great effort!



For the attention to detail she applies to all tasks. Cindy uses her artistic flair to complete colourful work. Well done Cindy!



For approaching his school day with enthusiasm and cheerfulness and a willingness to do his best work. Well done Farbod!