Parish Masses & Sacramental updates

St. Brendan's Alpha Program
Dear parents and families of students at St Brendan's, you are invited to enjoy a lovely meal and watch a DVD and share in a discussion about the topic watched.
It is a free program and we would love to see as many people join us for this special program. Please download the invitation and fill in if you are interested.
Thank you, Sister Agnus Murphy (St Brendan's Mercy Sister)
Youth Mass
St. Brendan’s Church will be having a Youth Mass on Saturday, 20th March at 6pm.
The St Brendan’s Debutantes for 2021 will also be presented at the Mass.
Fr Rob will be celebrating the Mass and there will be music from Notre Dame students during the Mass. We are also encouraging our youth to meet Fr Rob after the Mass with an informal dinner of pizza, ice cream and soft drinks.
This will be held in the Mons Peter Jeffrey Centre behind the church- RSPV is required
Jason Giuliani
Catholic Education celebrating 200 Years
The Theme for the 200th year of Catholic Education in Australia is
‘Faith in the future’
This year all Catholic schools across Australia will be called to remember the beginning of Catholic Education in Australia. Throughout the year all students across all year levels will participate in engaging and creative learning tasks that will help them learn about our Catholic Education history. More updates to follow.