Five Fun Facts!

Five Fun Facts

'Five Fun Facts' is a new section in our school newsletter. Each newsletter, different FPS staff provide answers to five questions, giving the reader a glimpse into who they are, what drives them, and what they love! It's a light-hearted way to connect with the people of FPS beyond the school walls.


... Starting with 'S'

Meet Steph

Steph is one of our fabulous Year 3 teachers. This is Steph’s second year at FPS and she has a hankering for a pet. Read below to find out if she is a cat or dog person.


What was the best vacation you ever took and why?

When my brother finished Year 12 and I was nearly finished uni, my mum organised a family holiday to Hong Kong. She wanted to make sure we spent one last holiday together before we both moved out. Hong Kong was fascinating and visiting as an adult with my family was so much fun.


Was the last thing you read?

The last book I read was The Shadow Land by Elizabeth Kostova. It is not something I would usually read as I often choose to read biographies, however the book is based in Bulgaria, where my dad is from. 


Do you have a favourite quote?

In a world where you can be anything, be kind. 


Which of your scars has the best story behind it?

I have a very small scar on my finger. When I was in Year 3 my family visited a sea life park in Coffs Harbour. When it was my turn to feed Nicki the seal, I dropped the fish and the seal bit my finger instead!


Do you have a pet?

Nooooooooo, but I want one desperately! My partner and I have contacted many dog breeders and we have our fingers crossed for a Golden Retriever puppy later in the year.



Meet Sarah

Sarah Abbott is our indomitable Assistant Principal. Have you ever seen her without a ready smile on her face? 


What inspired you to get into education?

I wanted to be a hairdresser when I was little, I changed my mind in secondary school when I had an amazing maths teacher named Mrs Rice, who inspired me with her passion to help others achieve their best.


Where’s your happy place?

My favourite place to visit is anywhere in the bush where I can be surrounded by trees, ferns and creeks.


Tell me about your family.

I have three children, a supportive spouse and a bulldog named Buddy. I’m the eldest of four siblings – two younger sisters and a younger brother. We grew up together in Greensborough.


Do you have any secret skills?

I can drive a bus – I have my Heavy Vehicle licence.

I usually kill my plants but I have a Devil’s Ivy named Denise that I have kept alive for almost a year!


What do you like to do in your free time?

I love painting – abstract is my favourite style to paint. 

My grandma was part of the CWA and baked the best cakes and Pavlovas - I love cooking but I always burn whatever I try to bake!



Meet another Sarah

Sarah Moody is our fun-loving chief of communications. Did you know that she can ride a donkey!


What's your guilty pleasure?

Chocolate... the darker the better. It's probably not a guilty pleasure – I fully own my chocolate addiction!


Tell us about your family.

I come from a line of notable Welsh boxers! My grandfather and a number of his brothers (the Moody boxers) fought professionally, with two brothers winning British championship titles. I have a decent uppercut!


What’s the best place you have travelled to and why?

Scotland for epic mountain scenery, Greece for the food and Japan for a complete immersion into another country and culture. I believe Australia has the best beaches!


Do you have a pet?

No. But I am adept at riding camels, horses and donkeys. I lived in the Middle East for a couple of years, so got to have some amazing and surreal experiences.


What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to read, potter in the garden and go hiking. I enjoy hiking in the Australian bush and that physical feeling of tiredness after you have pushed your body.