Coming Soon...

What's On
Week 5
Tuesday 23rd February
12.30 - 2 pm Ten Pin Bowling
Week 6
Monday 1st March
Geography Day
Tuesday 2nd March
Excursion to Tropical Fruit World
(No bowling)
Week 7
Tuesday 9th March
12.30 - 2 pm Ten Pin Bowling
Wednesday 10th March
Automated Dairy Farm Visit
Week 8
Tuesday 16th March
10 - 2 pm Ten Pin Bowling
Wednesday, 17th March
12.30 -2.30 Year 5 College Road Show at Lismore South Public School
Thursday 18th March
Harmony Day
Share and embrace other cultures! Dress up!
Friday 19th March
1.30 at school via Zoom - Anti Bullying Online Programme
Week 9
Monday 22nd March
Science Day
Tuesday 23rd March
10 - 2 pm Ten Pin Bowling
Week 10
Monday March 29
Pizza Day
Thursday 1st April
Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Hat Parade
Last day of term
Friday 2nd April
Good Friday Holiday
End of Term One
School Hours
Our school hours are 9.10 am until 3.10 pm.
Unless your child has to travel on the second bus, please collect your children by 3.10 pm. Any changes to routine need to be discussed with Wendy. Thank you.