Ultimate Frizbee

The spirit of Preshil flies
On Tuesday 30 March, ten Year 10s, two Year 11s and two Year 12s joined forces to represent Preshil in an Intershcool Ultimate Flying Disc Competition hosted by Ultimate Victoria. It was the second tournament attended by Preshil, but the first one we came home from with an award – the Spirit Award.
For those of you who don’t know, ‘spirit’ is an integral element that underpins the game of ultimate. Unlike other competitive sports that focus solely on winning and physical ability, ultimate emphasises, values and rewards respect, kindness, fairness and overall high-quality sportspersonship; values that are inherent in Preshil’s education model.
At the end of each game, teams are required to award their opponents with a ‘spirit score’ out of 10. They are also required to form a ‘spirit circle’ where teams stand interlaced together and are given the opportunity to compliment the other team on their play and provide constructive feedback to incite improvements. There is little room here for ruthless, competitive rivalry and, instead, teams walk away feeling a sense of achievement, having participated in a respectful and fun game.
I really want to emphasise the significance of ‘spirit’ as a concept and acknowledge the profound significance of the award. Contrary to popular misconception, the Spirit Award is not just tokenistic acknowledgment of participation. It’s an award that is based on a behaviour and attitude as perceived by your opponents. It’s an award that says “you were the most enjoyable team to play against because of your positive attitude, your inclusive encouragement, your ability to have fun and your commitment to fairness”. It’s an award that indicates the highest degree of respect, regardless of the overall score. And it’s an award that acknowledges and understands the importance of transferable communication and respectful relationship skills needed in every interaction we have.
The perseverance, resilience and commitment to respect demonstrated by Preshil were a pleasure to observe and the team was most deserving of the award they received.
Congratulations to everyone.
Emily Nancarrow
teacher of Physical & Health Education