Head of Campus

Can you believe we are already at the end of Term 1?
It has been a pleasure to witness, on a daily basis, our students committed to their learning in such a focused manner. It has also been very pleasing to see so many families attend the various information evenings and events that have occurred this term.
It is expected that all students have a device in their classes and adhere to the Bring Your Own Device User Agreement and ICT Acceptable Use Agreement. By signing these students declare and agree to use ALL types of digital technologies in a safe, responsible and ethical manner at all times.
Preshil puts in place protocols to protect the privacy and dignity of individuals and security information, to maintain the public standing of the School.
For more information please see the following:
Mobile phones
The pros and cons of banning mobile phones within a school context have long been debated. While many schools have gone down the path of banning them, students at Preshil are welcome to bring their phones but must agree to use them safely, responsibly and ethically as per the Bring Your Own Device User Agreement and ICT Acceptable Use Agreement.
Please note that mobile phones are NOT connected to the School’s network.
We feel strongly about preparing students for the future. The removal of mobile phones may prevent short-term issues but it does not prepare our next generation in terms of limiting phone use to a healthy level. Therefore, we work together with our students to create agreements regarding the use of mobile phones in the classroom.
Through role modelling, regular conversations and curriculum, we teach our students self-control in the excessive use of mobile phones. Students are always encouraged to limit their use during break times and enjoy our school grounds and the facilities available to them.
The government mandated National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is scheduled to be administered at Preshil on 11, 12 and 13 May for Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN tests assess some aspects of student knowledge and skills in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy.
It is compulsory for all schools to administer the tests and the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) encourages all parents to support this program. Parents are entitled to have this feedback on their child’s performance. However, parents also have the right to decide to withdraw their child from this program, or parts of it, if they so desire and Preshil supports this right. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers.
If you decide to withdraw your child/children from all or parts of the NAPLAN tests you must do so in writing. Please indicate if this is your intention by emailing a request to withdraw your Years 7 or 9 child to judy.o’donnell@preshil.vic.edu.au by Monday 3 May. An individualised Student Withdrawal form will then be generated, to be signed and returned to Preshil.
Your signed authority to withdraw a child from the test program needs to be returned to the School by Friday 7 May. We must retain these written requests/authorities for withdrawal so that the School may fulfil its accountability responsibilities to the state and federal government authorities. All children are expected to attend school on the test days.
If you have any queries I am available to give you further information. The ACARA website also has information regarding NAPLAN.
A letter will be sent at the beginning of Term 2 reminding families of NAPLAN and important dates.
For more information about NAPLAN please visit the VCAA website at www.vcaa.vic.edu.au or the NAPLAN website at www.nap.edu.au
Happy holidays!
Looking ahead, next term will be no less busy and hopefully as satisfying as the year has been so far. Next term begins with the Years 7 to 12 Camps. The Year Level Coordinators have done an amazing job in organising these so quickly and in such a short amount of time. What a great way to kick off Term 2!
Our last day is tomorrow and school ends at the normal finish time. The sun will be shining, which is great news for the BK Doorstep Concert that will be happening during lunch.
I hope the two-week break offers some well-deserved rest and relaxation and I look forward to an exciting Term 2.
Victor Toufas
Acting Head of Campus