Calendar Dates

Thursday 1 April
Term ends - usual finish time
Term 2
Tuesday 20 April
Term 2 commences
Tuesday 20 - Friday 23 April
Camp Week
Years 7 & 8: Healesville
Year 9: Anglesea
Year 10: Wollangarra
Wednesday 21 - Friday 23 April
Camp Week
Years 11 & 12: Cityscape
Monday 10 - Friday 14 May
Year 10 students
Careers Activities Week
Tuesday 11 - Thursday 13 May
Years 7 & 9 students
Wednesday 19 May
Open Morning
9.30am - 11am
Thursday 20 May
Preshil Association Annual General Meeting
Kevin Borland Hall
Wednesday 26 May - Friday 4 June
Years 9 & 10 students
9/10 Experience
Country Victoria
Monday 31 May
DP Music Night
5.30pm - 6.30pm
Music Room
Wednesday 9 June
Year 12 students
General Achievement Test (GAT)
9am - 12.15pm
Monday 14 June
Queen's Birthday public holiday
Thursday 17 June
Winter Solstice
Friday 18 June
Term ends - usual finish time
Year 12 School Formal
6.30pm - 10.30pm
Venue TBA
Cover photo
Preshil students during this week's interschool ultimate frizbee competition; ‘spirit circle’ where teams stand interlaced together and are given the opportunity to compliment their opponent on their play and provide constructive feedback to incite improvements.
Next newsletter
The next edition of the Secondary School newsletter will be published on Wednesday 28 April. To read previous issues or our Arlington and Alumni issues visit the iNewsletter Library here