From the Principal...   

Michelle Bruitzman

Dear Parents and Friends of 

St Therese's Primary School,

I hope you all enjoyed the weekend and were able to get out and about in the glorious sunshine! It was terrific to see the children arrive back at school last Thursday after the 5 day circuit breaker lockdown! 

Parent / Teacher Interviews

This week, we are holding Parent Teacher interviews on Tuesday and Wednesday.


To facilitate these meetings, we kindly ask that students are collected at 1pm on Tuesday 23rd February. For those parents who are unable to accommodate this request we will ensure that supervision is provided for the afternoon in the Hall. 

New Staff Member

I would like to warmly welcome Mrs Kylie Rizzo who is joining our school community as an Education Support Officer. She will be working mainly in the Year 2 level for the remainder of this year. 

School Closure - March 3

Don't forget that we are holding a School Closure Day on Wednesday March 3. There will be no school for students on that day. Please ensure that you have made arrangements for your child to be supervised. This is a planned School Closure for the purposes of professional development.


Please take note of the Dates for the Diary for the remainder of the term. New dates have been selected for our whole school athletics day at Casey Fields and for the camp information evening that was postponed due to the lockdown.

Changes to Bell Times

This week a couple of changes to bell times will begin. It was decided to revert back to the 2020 bell times to facilitate a more productive learning block in the morning and middle sessions. 

Please note the bell times at the beginning and end of the day remain the same.

Recess time (including eating time) will now be from 11:10am till 11:55am and lunch time (including eating time) will now be from 1:25pm till 2:15pm.

As the morning block is now longer, students in years F-2 will be provided with a short fruit break at approximately 10:15am.

I encourage parents to ensure children bring along healthy snacks, including fruit and sandwiches to eat throughout the day. Please refrain from packing too many sweet treats and chips as these sugary foods are not helpful in keeping children full nor do they provide children with long lasting energy that is vital for a healthy body and mind.

Birthday treats

This year, we can return to children sharing treats with their friends for their birthday if desired. Please only provide individually wrapped treats to assist us being COVID Safe. Ideas are; a lollypop, freddo frogs, etc. Please no shared foods such as a cake that requires cutting up to serve. 

Please make sure you email or speak to your child's classroom teacher before sending in treats to find out if there are any dietary requirements in your child's class such as allergies to nuts.

School Advisory Board

If anyone would be interested in joining the Parent Advisory Board please email me via 


Have a great week everyone!


Yours in partnership,

Michelle Bruitzman