Learning and Teaching

Ms Jodie Connell - Deputy Principal

Research and evidence suggests strongly that parents who are connected with the school their child attends and who is also connected with their learning at home have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. As parents we often ask the question “how was school today” or “what did you do at school today”. The response is usually “it was good or ok”, or “nothing much”. As a suggestion next time why not try asking your child “what challenged you in your learning today” or “what do you know now that you didn’t know before today”. It’s a great concept as it introduces the concept that school and school work can be challenging and students need to be challenged in their learning. 


Parent Access Module (PAM): 


At Mary MacKillop College, students access their work and assessment tasks through our online portal called SIMON all year round. This wonderful resource informs them of their daily timetable, lists the daily notices and ensures that they have quick and ready access to key learning materials. PAM…the "Parent Access Module" allows parents and guardians, access too much of this information as well. PAM access codes have been sent to all new families and all established families could use their existing code from last year to access this site. 


If you have misplaced your PAM login or need help finding these reports please email Adrienne Layton alayton@mmcrc.catholic.edu.au  and she will email you your login and password. 


Parents will now be able to gain access to student’s work when marked, see upcoming work submission dates, view teacher feedback and obtain school reports. 


Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews:


We also use PAM for progressive and continuous reporting and for online booking of Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews. These will be open for booking from Wednesday 14th March. (A notification will go out as a reminder) 


Parents and Guardians will be able to access the interim reports on PAM for their child prior to the evening. The Interim Reports can be found under the Assessment Reports section for each student. You are able to print these at home and bring along to the evening. 


Parent/Teacher/Student Interview nights are an important evening as it is an invaluable opportunity to speak to members of the teaching staff face-to-face for a period of 5 minutes to discuss all aspects of student learning. Due to COVID safety measures, both Parent Teacher Interview nights this term will be run at Leongatha. As part of our COVID safe procedures, we ask that each family limit the number of parents attending to 1 per family. On arrival at Pioneer Hall, parents will be asked to sign into the College via the QR Code System and to also complete a COVID Safe Declaration. We also ask that when not in an interview that parents wait outside Pioneer Hall so that we can maintain social distancing in Pioneer Hall. To assist with managing bookings over the two nights, we ask that families whose surnames A – K please book on the first night (Thursday 25th March), and those with surnames L – Z attend on the second night (Tuesday 30th March) where possible. 


Our interviews will run over the following dates this term: 


Leongatha – Thursday 25th March 2021 at Mary MacKillop College in the Pioneer Hall - Appointment Times: 3:50pm – 6:00pm and 7:00pm – 8:55pm   


Leongatha – Tuesday 30th March 2021 at Mary MacKillop College in the Pioneer Hall

Appointment Times: 3:50pm – 6:00pm and 7:00pm – 8:55pm   


Interim Reports will be available on PAM to parents from Friday 19th March. Bookings for both these evenings are made via PAM (Parental Access Module), bookings will also open on Friday 19th March - http://pam.mmcrc.catholic.edu.au/


When considering school reports and teacher feedback: 


Your children will appreciate the right focus at report time 

Could try harder… always does her best... lacks concentration…easily distracted...a pleasure to teach…

School reports can mean anxious times for children too. 'Will my parents be disappointed or proud?' is the main concern of most children. Kids of all ages take their cues from their parents, so your reaction to their school report can affect the way they see themselves as learners and as people.


Focus your attention on these aspects to make sense of children’s reports:




Expectations are tricky. If they are too high, then kids can be turned off learning. Too low and there is nothing to strive for. Pitch your expectations in line with a child’s abilities. A quick check of your child’s last report cards may give you a good yardstick.


 Different rates of learning 


Remember there are slow bloomers, late developers and steady-as-you-go kids in every classroom, so avoid comparing your child to siblings, your friends’ children and even yourself when you were young. Instead, look for individual progress.


 Safeguard confidence


Self-confidence is a pre-requisite for learning, so be prepared to be as positive and encouraging as possible


Here are 5 of Michael Grosse’s ideas to think about before reading your child’s report:


1. Look for strengths first. Focus on strengths even if they are not in the traditional 3Rs or core subjects.


2. Take into account your child’s effort and attitude to learning. If the report indicates that effort is below standard, then you have something to work on. If your child is putting in the required effort, then you cannot ask any more than that.


3. Broaden your focus away from academic performance to form a picture of your child’s progress as a member of a social setting. How your child gets along with his or her peers will influence their happiness and well-being, as well as give an indicator to their future.


4. Take note of student’s self-assessment. Kids are generally very honest and will give a realistic assessment of their progress. They are generally very perceptive so take note of their opinions.