Year 11 News

Welcome to Year 11

I would like to congratulate the Year 11 Cohort on their positive start to the 2021 academic year.


The VCAL students have made a positive and enthusiastic start to their program participating in their work related skills numeracy and literacy lessons. All VCAL students should now have commenced their VET program at TAFE, and should be finalising their Structured Workplace learning placement. If a student is struggling to finalise this placement they must see Pathways and inform the coordination team via Microsoft  Teams. In addition, the VCAL students have been engaged in a range of VCE subjects that complement their pathway.


The full time VCE students are working well . The work load is significantly different from Year 10 and as such students will need to allocate time at home to complete their tasks. 


All VCE students are required to study at home, and as such require a structured study time table to help them organise their time. In addition, a quiet place to work is often the most effective place to complete their tasks. 


Twice a week Year 11 students have an assessment block session on their timetable. These two sessions are used to deliver VCAA assessments, and on occasions for students to complete personal study. Staff will also be in regular conversations with students in their assessment block groups, discussing student progress and learning.


On 22nd February the School hosted a study skills incursion for the Year VCE and VCAL students. 


Monash University Students delivered a motivational presentation on goal setting and positive mindset techniques and preparation for the year ahead.


The seminars were well received by the 200 students who participated.


Next term we will be hosting two specific presentations. A Getting a job presentation for VCAL students and a Memory and Mnemonics seminar for VCE students – to aid them in learning and retaining information.


Notification of the forthcoming sessions will be posted on compass and require parental consent. I encourage all students to participate in this exciting opportunity which have been embedded in our Senior School program to enrich and extend student learning experiences and preparation for post school life.



Looking ahead, if any parent of a VCE student believes that their chid maybe entitled to special provision for the 2022 external VCAA examinations, please can they access the VCAA website 


( a preliminary investigation and then email Mr Howgate with brief details so we can look into student eligibility.


Graham Howgate

Year 11 Leader