From Marie
Solar Panels
Over the last two weeks ninety-six solar panels have been installed on the roof of the Learning Centre. This system has been provided by the government through a Greening Schools Grant and will enable us to substantially reduce the school's impact on the environment. We are working towards becoming a Resource Smart school, as we monitor and measure the use of resources like waste, water and electricity. With our worm farms, composting systems, paper recycling, reducing waste, nude food lunches, water tanks for the vegetable gardens and now the solar panels, we are well on our way to leaving a smaller environmental footprint.
Reading Tour Next Week
On Monday 8 August, we invite families who have a child starting in 2023 to come along and hear about the teaching of reading in Foundation (and in fact across the school). We have made a big shift to using evidence based practices to ensure all children learn to read. Classroom instruction looks quite different to how your older children have learnt to read. We invite you to join the tour at 10:45-12:00. Jenny will provide an introduction and then we will move into classrooms to see the work in action. We are offering childcare for 2-5 year olds. Please call the office to book in. Check out and like our Facebook post about this.
Festival of Hidden Treasures - Saturday 15 October
Check out the page in this newsletter for ways to support the upcoming Festival and a list of the stalls each grade are responsible for. You will be hearing from your child's teacher in the coming weeks to learn more about what is needed to get the stall up and running. Next Thursday we will post our first "Festival" Newsletter and will alternate these with our regular newsletter until after the day. This newsletter will provide you with updates on ways to help, items to collect at home, sponsorships and prizes.
This week saw the arrival of five chickens! More photos to come soon.