Year 5/6—Celebrating Learning

4/5/6 Mainstream


By Gigi François & Ruby Testro 5/6 B

This semester the 5/6s will take part in the Babajen Choir. We are participating in preparation  for the Arts Festival. In this choir we will be learning how to do some vocal warm ups, hamonys, singing in different parts and choosing our own songs. We will be doing choir in the Babajen.



This semester, the 4/5/6’s are doing gardening. Emily, the new gardening teacher, will be enlightening us on how to turn the compost, prepare garden beds, mulch garden beds, cook yummy foods, weed, water, and lots more! We will be working in the farm garen, and also the front native garden. We are learning gardening because it helps to nurture our souls as well as the garden itself. Eleanor Adams 5/6 A

  • Who? Emily takes us to gardening 
  • What? We take care of the garden
  • When? We have gardening on thursday 
  • Where? We do gardening in the prep area
  • Why? To grow plants and to make  our school a healthy environment. 
  • Manarra Bamblett, Latrell Pickett, Wiley Nicholson 5/6 A




This term in gardening we have been looking at composting and preparing garden beds for planting. Our gardening teacher, Emily said we will do cooking, moving mulch and turning compost. Rigby Colegrave 5/6 A 


What: cooking,composting,wedding,molching,planting.

Where: T.P.S gardens.

When: this semester.

Why: to nurture the garden.

Who: Emily and the 4/5/6’s. Tom Hanlon 5/6 A

5/6 Steiner

Broken down, to be put back together. 4/5/6 Steiner JULY

As we learn about Greek Mythology together in 4/5/6 Steiner Main Lesson, we are creating Mosaics of Ancient Greek Patterns with a bit of artistic liberty from the children. Each week they have been immersed in the process of creating a mosaic work from broken tiles, including the fun of chipping them down to bitesize chunks. The students have enjoyed the process so far and we are soon to grout them and then send them home to be adorned among their many homes. Below are some comments from the students about the activity followed by some imagery of the mosaics created thus far.

Summer says: “The mosaics have been fun to create, but also a challenging puzzle.”
Ava says: “I have enjoyed the whole thing, but I wish we didn’t have to wear goggles when we chipped the tiles.”
Daisy says: “I had so much fun and I love all the pretty colours of tiles.”
Noah K says: “I think the mosaic activity is alright.”