Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning

1/2 Mainstream 

This term 1/2s have been learning to read and spell ‘r-controlled’ vowels including ‘ar’, ‘or’, ‘er’, ‘ir’, ‘ur’, and  soon they will learn ‘air’. They have been reading and writing words including sparks, morning, and river, and sentences such as “The stork hid in its nest in the storm”. 


Students have been making the writer’s process concrete and investigating how writing is really ‘thinking’. They got to create their own colourful clay models to experience firsthand what it means to follow a process. 


1 Steiner

Class One has become a community of writers and in their current Main Lesson they have been using ancient tales from around the world as seeds to inspire their writing. As part of this exploration, students have been exploring narrative text types and expanding their vocabulary.

2 Steiner

Class 2 have been learning about people who have helped to make our world a better place, in our Saintly Lives main lesson. As part of this exploration, we have begun to develop our ecological awareness of the world as an interconnected, living system that we can actively support through the choices we make (ie picking up rubbish, using compost etc). We are visiting IMAX to see A Beautiful Planet in order to facilitate a deepening of the reverence, wonder and awe towards our world and all that live here. The children have been getting inspired by the many different ways we can contribute to the world, illustrating and narrating the key moments in the lives of change makers, and dramatising their lives during morning circle. We are beginning to explore dramatic presentations of the lives we have studied as part of our morning circle. In week 10, our class will present a Class Play about these lives. We have also been learning about formal and informal units of measurement in maths, and have been measuring the length, width and perimeter of things in our classroom and in the school yard.