

The year 3-6's have made a great start to gardening this term.


Students have designed interpretative signage for our compost bins, which will be printed on decals and placed on the bins. We have measured the area of our front garden to support a grant application with Junior Landcare .


During NAIDOC celebrations we cooked and tasted Warrigal Greens pesto, using ingredients harvested from our garden.


Looking forward to a wonderful and productive term ahead 🌱


Recipe Warrigal Greens Pesto:
Large colander of Warrigal greens leaves (blanch in hot water to release oxalis)
Big bunch parsley - chopped 
Juice of 1 - 2 lemons
1- 2 garlic cloves finely chopped 
1 cup sunflower seeds
Olive oil
Salt or saltbush to taste
Blend everything together and serve - we used carrot sticks and water crackers!