
Year 10

What is the subject about?

Students study animated short and feature films and develop an understanding of the 12 principles of animation. In addition they work to understand narrative and character development. 


Students will engage in a variety of practical animation tasks using software such as Adobe after Effects, Animate and many more. 


Students will work towards

producing their own short animations that are targeted towards specific audiences.


Skills you will develop

  • Understand the 12 principles of animation
  • Create a variety of digital animation 
  • Practice with a variety of animation software
  • Analyse the structure of narratives in different media forms


  • Animation Folio
  • Media Analysis - Reports
  • Short Animation - Production



Studying Animation can lead to the following careers

  • Director
  • Animator
  • Concept Artist
  • Storyboard Artist
  • Producer
  • Motion Capture Performer

There are no prerequisites for entry into Units 1,2,3


If you are interested in this subject go and see Ayan Abeysekera


“I like animation because I get to learn and practice new skills Cooper-Lee Houghton