Principal’s Message

Mrs Kath Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,


Firstly I would like to thank all members of our school, school community and wider community for your support of our inaugural Purtle Plevey/ Sacred Heart School Clearing Sale. I have received a significant amount of feedback regarding Saturday's event with many people commenting on the fantastic opportunity to bring everyone together and the high level of organisation that had gone into the day.


For me, one of the successful features of the day was that everyone had an opportunity to contribute in a variety of ways. Whether you attended PTF meetings, folded flyers, baked a cake for the cafe, helped set up and pack up, cooked the BBQ, offered items to sell, bought an auction item or were able to volunteer on the day, you contribution was greatly appreciated. 


Thank you particularly to Sam Plevey, Patrick Purtle and our school staff and PTF and their teams for their tireless efforts in ensuring that all elements of the auction, canteen and general organisation was coordinated for the day. 


This term we will have a change of library day for all students K-6. Library will be now on Thursdays. Students can bring their library bags on a Thursday to borrow or return their books.


The term calendar has been sent home to all families via Compass outlining key dates for this term. We have many opportunities for families and friends to join us in our learning this term. If any unexpected changes need to occur throughout the term, we will let you know via Compass.


If your child is absent from school, please register this absence on Compass so we can get an electronic notification here at school. Attendance during the colder months can be difficult when children are unwell. If your child is away for an extended period of time due to unforeseen circumstances or ongoing illness please contact me at school.


Kindergarten enrolment meetings will be held this Thursday 28 July. If you know of anyone who is looking to enrol for Kindergarten next year, please encourage them to contact me at school so I can include them in meetings next week. For all current students in Transition, the Kindergarten enrolment meetings will be held during the morning and afternoon to coincide with Transition pick up and drop offs.


Take care


Kath Baird
