Year 3/4

This week, we read the book 'What is Love?' by Mal Barnett. In the book, the main character goes around the town and asks many different people what love is to them on his quest to discover what love really is. We worked out that the main message of the book was that love is different to different people. Here is what love is to some of the Year 3/4 students! 


Love is a motorbike. It's the sliding in the very deep, soaking mud. It's the wind flowing though your hair. It's the people encouraging you as you fly through the air. It's the feeling of being happy, nervous and proud. By Eli Keymer-Newley


Love is hockey. It's the cheering on the sidelines that makes you feel confident. It's when you get a goal and you feel good. My family watching me makes me feel so loved. Hockey makes me loved and not alone. By Gwyn Nettleton


Love is a Texas longhorn. They graze in fields full of grass and they are my favourite animal. They are extremely cute with their massive horns. They are huge, they are brave and they swing their head and horns from side to side with a vicious look on their face. They make me feel unstoppable. By Cooper Leese


Love is a family. They love you and make you feel safe and happy. Some families help you and make you feel strong. It's coming home from school and having everyone there for you. It's your parents looking after you when you are a kid and caring for you. By Mietta Price


Love is a heart. A warm place where no one can harm you or bully you. It's where you can imagine your own mind. You think what you want to say and how you feel. You feel some of your friends happy opinions. It's your place with your mind; no one else's. By Ava Huf



The Woman and the Goat by Mietta Price

There was an old woman who swallowed a goat,

She screamed and yelled while it went down her throat,

It got stuck and she choked,

Coughed it back up all soaked,

So she brushed all her phlegm out of its coat!


Cheeky Frank by Thomas Hurley

There was a man who robbed a bank,

The police caught him and gave him a spank,

They put him in jail,

Then he grew old and frail,

That silly old man called Frank!


The Stolen Truck by Cooper Leese

There was a bloke who stole a truck,

He drove in the muck and got it stuck,

He sank in the mud,

And then came a flood,

Oh everyone thought it was bad luck!