Year 10 Pastoral Guardian

Courtney Daniec

Hello Parents/Caregivers, 


Welcome back to Term 3. It’s been a busy start for our cohort, with set plan meetings proceeding last week and each family coming into the college or connecting via teams with their mentor for what is an exciting and a key pillar in setting up their final two years here at Mt A. It was a pleasure to welcome you onto the college, connecting with and engaging in conversations around academic wellbeing and providing you with insights into how the pathway looks for your daughter. I enjoyed hearing from students how they thoroughly enjoyed the experience and how post meeting they felt much more assured and a real sense of knowing how the puzzle pieces are going to connect to their aspirations beyond the gates of Mt A.  I thank you again for your involvement, time and encouragement. 


This term in Year 10 our focus is on Engagement and Connection. From set planning and results of the semester you have been exposed to your daughter’s level of engagement across her classes. This term I am challenging the group to improve in their engagement score. I challenge them to complete the extra ten minutes of revision, ask another question in class, seek feedback from their teachers and involved in class discussions and group work. Don’t just simply be a passenger on this journey but be the driver! As a parent being apart of this conversation can be a key to keeping these habits consistent, keeping them on track and also creates a dialogue around how improvement takes change and as adults we can relate and share our experiences around this.  Connection will be our focus as we aim to meet as a year level more frequently throughout the term and connect with people who we necessarily might not mix with at lunch time or in everyday classes. During this time there will be opportunities to build our current connections but also extend these and step outside our comfort zone and connect with others and different activities we may not be familiar with. I look forward to these days and can’t wait to see what deeper connections we can create as a year level group. 


One of this week’s SchoolTV focus topics is Digital Reputation and what a theme at the forefront of our young peoples lives that they truly need to consider. So what is your digital reputation? The esafety commissioner suggests your digital reputation is 

“the digital footprint created by all the things you say and do online, as well as what others post about you.” 

Can I encourage you to flag this topic with your young person and have a constructive conversation around the importance and significance this can have on their safety as well as their future employment. Additionally, use this as a nice timely reminder to clean up our digital reputation and check our privacy settings. If you would more like tips, facts and information please check out SchoolTV. 


Here are some key points to remember on how to protect our digital reputation: 


• Stop and think about any content before you post or send 

• Set your profile to private so that only your friends have access to your posts 

• Keep an eye on photos of you that been tagged by your friend and remove any that are offensive. 


As always I am here to support you and your daughter, please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 


Courtney Daniec

Year 9 Pastoral Guardian