Assistant Principal Report - Junior School and Wellbeing

By June Sainsbery

We held our Junior School Academic Breakfast on Thursday 4th August.  This event acknowledges students who have achieved results in the top 5 percent of their year level.  It was good to meet parents and celebrate their child’s academic success.


The following students were acknowledged:

Year 7

Jacob Burrows

Emma Corfield

Lucia Hogarth

Tara Jezdic

Nick Ly

Lara Mackay

Zoe Makrakis

Emily Mangion

Marcus O'Meara-Hayes

Benjamin Porter

Diesel Rasguido

Thomas Richardson

Xavier Stainthorpe

Tenaya Talbot

Sunny Tulen

Laura Tulloch

Max Wadeson


Year 8

Kirby Adams

Abigail Arculus

Juliana Bal

Lok Yi Chan

Charlie Dean

Hannah Downward

Jemma Fleming

Amy Foote

Mackenzie Ford

Lola Harris

Harry Heath

Mitchell Holden

Charlie Murdolo-Bloom

Darcy Murray

Toby Pearson

Mia Sardellis

Mietta Scherwinski

William Surowiecki

Anthony Zissis


Year 9

Jennifer Baklien

Hannah Birch

Harper Bosdorf

Sebastian Broadbent

Gabriel Corio

Lila Harvey

Sophie Holland

Feodor Ivanov

Amara Ly

Hana-Joy Ly

James Milnes

Samantha Petrovic

Tea Rajak

Charlotte Shepherd

Anne Teoh

Lachlan Wadeson


Year 9 students have been involved in the course selection process and have selected their program for Year 10, 2023.  The process involved attending presentations, reviewing the Year 10 handbook and plenty of discussion with the Year 9 team and classroom teachers.  It is exciting as the students move closer towards Senior School and can choose their preferred pathway and subjects in their remaining years at school.


Year 8 students have chosen their elective subjects for Year 9, 2023.  This gives them an opportunity to study subjects that interest them and hopefully develop their knowledge and skills in those particular areas.


Year 7 students attended camp in week three of this term and from all reports the students had a terrific time.  Camp is a great chance for students to build positive relationships with peers and staff as well as participate in a wide variety of outdoor activities.


Our Year 7s this term attended two presentations aimed at supporting their needs as they move through adolescence.  On Tuesday 12th July, Brett Lee from Internet Safe Education presented to our students on maintaining a safe presence online. Our students were engaged in the presentation and asked some insightful questions. They also created posters designed to educate Year 7 students on how to stay safe online.

On Tuesday this week, students heard from a presenter from the Butterfly Foundation. The focus was on body image in an online world and linked with positive relationships with food and eating.

If you would like further information about either presentation, parent resources can be found for both organisations on the website links below.


Our Term Three well being parent information session was held this week and was very well attended.  Brock Bastion, a psychologist, and lecturer at the University of Melbourne, talked about happiness and the need for building resilience through adversity.  Please see the link below to find out more information.