Careers Corner

By The Pathways Team - Laura Della Fortuna, Carolyn Jenkins and Tracey Seach

Monash Scholars - Congratulations to year 10 students Brian Lim, Jack Ojaimi and Summer Bailey who completed the application process and have been offered a place in the Monash Scholars Class of 2022–2024. Monash Scholars is a prestigious program for high achieving secondary school students based in Victoria. The program is offered by Monash University to give high potential students a unique head start into university life. It provides opportunities for personal and academic development, as well as, giving students the knowledge, skills and confidence to make the right study choices. It also enables them to expand their network of like-minded peers. We wish Brian, Jack and Summer the very best as they start their Monash Scholars journey.




Applying for Tertiary Courses - Parent and Student information sessions


Students, parents, carers and supporters are warmly welcome to book in for VTAC’s information webinars.

There will be two types of presentation on offer:

  • Applying for courses in 2023 : provides an overview of the entire application process, including researching courses, creating a VTAC account, preferences, results and offers. It also includes an overview of SEAS and scholarships.
  • Understanding special consideration (SEAS) and scholarships: provides detailed information about applying for SEAS and scholarships.

Click here to register



VTAC Key dates – Click here


Tertiary Open days – Click here


Year 10 Work Experience

Year 10 Work Experience  took place from June 14th – 17th. Students started to source their placements in November 2021 and the majority of the cohort found a placement with the diversity of the locations demonstrating the variety of students’ career interests and enabled them to explore and experience the world of work.

We would like to thank each employer for the valuable contribution to students’ career planning and research provided through work experience.