
By Amy Dallas


Semester two Textiles students have shown a tremendous amount of creativity and innovation in the practical tasks they have completed so far.


Year 10 students were asked to design and create a newspaper/ recycled plastic bag garment that could be worn to the Met Gala. Each garment was unique in the manipulation of materials, in order to create certain silhouettes, as well as selected embellishments that were either made or found to help further enhance the overall look of the final product. 



To refresh student’s knowledge of the sewing machine and certain sewing processes, students were given a two-day challenge to up-cycle a garment into an accessory of their choice. Students were to research their own processes and plan how they would make their accessory. Successfully, students made several products that demonstrated a good level of skill and dedication.


Year 10 students will now embark on incorporating the skills they have learnt from these previous tasks into a sustainable garment of their choice.


Year 11 students have also been working extremely hard on their collaborative 70’s Disco collection with a trip to Spotlight this week to purchase patterns and materials. 


Year 12 students have been busy finalising their toiles (draft garments) to begin working on their final garments.